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Water bowl Bath???


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Greetings everyone!


My nutty conure Jiggy loves to take baths in his water bowl. When my CAG Bella got wind of this the frist time, she ran around the top of his cage jabbering at him and saying "Jiggyman, Jiggyman, what the hell!". Well, I thought she was simply shocked at his behavior. Today Jiggy took a bath in his water bowl again and about an hour later Bella decided she wanted to go into her cage too. Shortly thereafter all hell broke loose in her cage! She was doing everything possible to try to take a bath in her water bowl! Of course she's a good deal bigger then Jiggy and getting into that water bowl wasn't going too well :laugh:


I thought Greys didn't do that?? Does your grey do that? If so, do you think it's worth while trying to put a shallow bowl in the bottom of the cage? I had one there before at the behest of Vet but Bella wouldn't use it.




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Sure why not, Josey does the same thing, she tries to bathe in her water bowl but has the same problem, it is not big enough. Just put some kind of heavy dish that she can't turn over and fill it part way with water and see if she will use it, just be prepared for the shower of water everywhere, LOL :laugh: :woohoo:

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In the aviary, there's a larger water bowl than the one in the cage, and mostly he has a Lixit water bottle anyway. I would say every other time Kali is out in the aviary, he "bathes" in that bowl. Still too small of course, but he has fun!


I lured him into a big Pyrex baking pan over about a week by putting almonds and little toys in the water. He'll do that about once a month.



P.S. - tried to post a photo and it wouldn't post Can't post jpg files?<br><br>Post edited by: chapala, at: 2008/01/13 22:03

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LOL ok - water bowl will go in - I'm sure she watched Jiggy do it and was fascinated by it (hence her comments - which I'm quite sure she picked up form my daughter who totally loves Jiggy and when he did it the first time, I'm sure my daughter made some interesting comments LOL!) Bella is VERY interested any time any of us get excited about something and she watches the on-goings very closely. So, my sense is she decided to try out this water bowl thing. Jiggy made a huge mess though today - he got himself soaking wet, then he decided to hop out of his cage, but since he was wet, take off was a little dicey, and he landed in his walnut shavings :blink: He was NASTY!

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Boo hates showers and I was told several times that because of his preening powder, I don't have to do that too often.


Boo takes a bath in his water bowl every two weeks on his own. He will say.. "takin' a shower" over and over while he bathes.

Then he'll ask.."fray water? fray water?" That means "fresh water"

So I get him his "fray water" and he does it again. It's a mess but if he's happy then I'm happy.


and I have no clue where he picked up "fray".

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My Mazy has been doing the water bowl bath also. I agree with the others, put a heavy duty shallow pan in the bottom of the cage (one that Bella can stand on the side of) and use cold water. Mazy hasn't gone for it yet but stands on the side often and is interested. Change the water often so it's cold. You can even put an ice cube in it. Also when you fill her drinking water make it not as cold. If you change them at the same time. Bella may go to the drinking find it not cold and then may see if the pan water is any colder. Again, this takes time and patience on your behalf, and a lot of water changing. Mazy does like the shower. You may look into a shower perch.

Good Luck and keep us posted

Bruce & Mazy

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Our 12 year old grey, Pepper, loves to splash her feet in her water bowl. This usually lasts for about an hour. If I change the water she goes right back in it. She splashes and flutters her wings out a bit. I've tried the pan in the bottom of the cage and she looks at me like, "Yea, right!" and goes no where near it. She will take showers with a spray bottle and says, "Pepper wants shower." When I pick up the bottle she starts to have a fuss but likes it after a few sprays and holds her wings out.


I wish she would bathe in the big pan I bought. Oh, well.



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Thank you everyone for sharing your water bowl bathing experiences! Talon - I love the idea of the rubber duckies! I may give that one a shot :cheer:,


Snow - that is SO funny with Boo! I bet that would be one heck of a U-Tube video or Animal Planet Video :laugh: By the way, what is preening powder?


Bruce - cold water?? I've been making it warm for bathing! We have some pretty cold weather, so I've been keeping her baths and showers warm. She loves to shower with me,and lets me rinse her beneath her wings etc.. Jiggy, my conure does too, but he complains just in case there's something to complain about :blink:

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Oliver tries to bathe in his water bowl, also, but it's only big enough to dunk his head in. I've tried putting a pyrex dish of cold water at the bottom of Oliver's cage. I think he would use it, except it's at the bottom of his cage and he doesn't EVER go to the bottom of his cage. If I put him in on the bottom, he scrambles up as fast as he can. Does anyone else's bird have this phobia about the cage bottom?

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judygram wrote:

Terri for some reason we have heard from several sources that cold water is preferred for bathing by greys, I know this sounds crazy but if it works then so much the better.


Oh my gosh Judy no kidding - wow, that's going to be a hard one for me. When ever I take her into the shower with me, I have a soft warmed up towel waiting for her when we're done and I wrap her up in it and only her little head is sticks out. She'll sit in that until she's nearly dry! When you rub her while she's in the towel she coo's and snuggles closer, so she seems to like that. I've taken her out before after rubbing her down and she shivers. So, I leave her in longer now, and I have this muff like thing made of fur that she can crawl in to in order to keep warm until she's dry. I just can't imagine she'd want her water cold! Well - I'll give it a try!


Jiggy - I can see him wanting cold water. He's terrible about staying in the towel. I have to make this excape proof pouch to put him in, and he bits me the whole time I try to wipe him down, and he doesn't shiver the way Bella does after a bath.


I'll try! Thanks!


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Hi there Kat!


I think Bella avoided the bowl at the bottom of the cage too when I tried it the first time. She only goes to the bottom of the cage if she dropped something she was playing with. Oliver and Bella are about the same age no? Bella is 8 months now.




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Harrison does this about 1-2 times a month. She will actually stand in her water dish or flick water on herself with her beak. She makes a big water mess on the bottom of her cage...it's adorable ;)


By the way, she doesn't like it if I give her a bath...it has to be on her terms or no bath at all.<br><br>Post edited by: HeatherStrella, at: 2008/01/16 04:26

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Nycsha: yes believe it or not. If I put the cold water in her drinking bowl and less cold in her bath bowl she drinks the bath water and bathes in the drinking bowl, and visa versa. One day I put just one ice cube in and she wouldn't leave the bath until it had melted, but the best part she likes is getting dry with the blow dryer. When completely dry she gets mad when I turn it off. Turn it back on and she's happy again. Turn it off and she gets on my case. Mazy doesn't like towels and I only use it for toe nail clipping or if she needs transport and is being stubborn.

I don't let her air dry, it takes too long and besides we live in Alaska.

Bruce & Mazy<br><br>Post edited by: MazyAK, at: 2008/01/16 09:41

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MazyAK wrote:

Nycsha: yes believe it or not. If I put the cold water in her drinking bowl and less cold in her bath bowl she drinks the bath water and bathes in the drinking bowl, and visa versa. One day I put just one ice cube in and she wouldn't leave the bath until it had melted, but the best part she likes is getting dry with the blow dryer. When completely dry she gets mad when I turn it off. Turn it back on and she's happy again. Turn it off and she gets on my case. Mazy doesn't like towels and I only use it for toe nail clipping or if she needs transport and is being stubborn.

I don't let her air dry, it takes too long and besides we live in Alaska.

Bruce & Mazy<br><br>Post edited by: MazyAK, at: 2008/01/16 09:41

Oy yes Bruce, we do the blow dryer too. Bella in fact stands over the heating vents in the floor and lets the warm air blow under her wings :cheer:

Wel, I'll give the ice cube a try LOL!

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Well thank you everyone for the ice cube suggestion. Bella absolutely LOVES ice cubes in the water and dunks her head in it and tries to put her feet in the bowl :cheer: I would never have guessed LOL! She eats the ice cubes too :blink:

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