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Thats just natural Jimmy for you to feel that way and by all means do take Cosmo with you whenever you can, I know some of the members take theirs lots of places with them.


I know that makes you feel pretty special to have him run to you like that, he is glad to see his daddy back.




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Awww Jimmy - I feel you! I rushed my parnter through a steak dinner last night because I wanted to get home to the managerie (one Grey one conure and two greyhounds LOL!). My parnter wanted to go out to eat after work and I knew the critters had been alone for 6 hours and would want their evening routine. I felt so guilty during the entire dinner I rushed my partner (I told my partner I wanted to wash up and get changed rather then go out to eat in my work clothes ssssssshhhhh!!!)


So - I feel you - I would do best if I could take all my critters with me everywhere!

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Jimmy i know how you feel, i hate to leave my greys even tho they have eachother for company,same goes for my dogs, here's a good example,we are meant to be going out saturday for a meal with friends for my birthday but i rang them yesterday & asked if they would come to my house & ill cook !! :laugh:


As for the goffin, yes that would sure be company but housed in seperate cages, but im sure you know that :P

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lovemyGreys wrote:

Jimmy i know how you feel, i hate to leave my greys even tho they have eachother for company,same goes for my dogs, here's a good example,we are meant to be going out saturday for a meal with friends for my birthday but i rang them yesterday & asked if they would come to my house & ill cook !! :laugh:


As for the goffin, yes that would sure be company but housed in seperate cages, but im sure you know that :P


Yeah right now a weenier keeps him company haha. The Goffin would be nice though. Yeah they would be in separate cages.


MazyAK wrote:


Sounds like you're a good candidate for a backpack travel cage

Bruce & Mazy


Where is a good place to get one, I have been looking. I think we would enjoy that very much.<br><br>Post edited by: jimmycoop2005, at: 2008/01/13 18:51

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Drs. Foster & Smith have the adventure pack, if I'm not mistaken.

Yes, I am wracked with guilt on the rare occasions when Klaus' evening routine gets messed with. But he seems to be ok. I remember at Christmas we had to be out somewhere one evening, but we were home all day the next day. And somebody had Klaus on their shoulder all day that next day (between me & my husband). He even stepped up on my son at one point, and he's not wild about my son. He just wanted to be with somebody. Poor little guy! I'm going away for a few days next month, and I'm already worried (though my husband will be home, so he'll have someone familiar around)...I'm sure he'll be ok, though.

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