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hI EVERYONE i wrote on here a few months ago when i got my sweet baby. She is so sweet but i had problems bonding with her as my hubby has a grey that is bonded to him badly but my sweet baby wanted his grey. after trying for 4 months could not get her to bond at all.


Progress so far non only she hates my hubbies grey now nd wants my amazon baby. Thing is my amazon is so badly bonded to me he does not like playing with her that much.


My grey is so sweet, 5 months old now but still badly wanting to bond with another bird, any bird. I find she looks out the window also and seems to want to get out with other birds. I know this is normal but i cant help feel that she just wants a bird freind and i feel sooo bad for her as she keeps getting rejected by the other birds.


I love her so much and in the 1st month the breeder ffered to take her back to swap but i could not as i was wey to bonded with her and loved her so deeply.


She joins in now and plays with everyone but just follows my amazon every were.


My hubbys bird used to pick on her but now she my sweet baby is picking on her.


Any advice would be really greatful. We try not to leave her out and always get her involved as we have our birds out most of the time with us and caged only at bed time and when they get rsetless.


does anyone know the best thing to do as i am at a loss.


does she want to be with us . just dont know anymore and i cant give her a freind as i cant make the other birds accept her. My amazon does play with her but as soon as i am there thats it he stops playig and wants o be with me. I dont want to lose my bond with my amazon neither as he loves me and i love him too but love love my sweet grey. i did not know birds could have so many different personalitys. all 3 are so different its unreal.


any advice would be helpful

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They do have different personalities and they have different relationships with different people. But it seems like she wants to play with another bird and not with you. I don't know whether you can do anything about that, she wants what she wants.


I'd say she does want to be with you just not bonded with you like you would like her to be, you can't force a bond between the two of you, you may just have to accept her for what she is and what she offers to you.


Maybe some of the other members will have better ideas or suggestions for you than what I have offered.

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