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Hi Im new here, I recently lost my mother and I have her african grey. I think the bird is getting sick or has a cold. She is just sitting on her perch and her beck is wet and the paper towel we use to catch the poop is also wet. What do I do? Find a vet or should I try some home remedies??<br><br>Post edited by: Unopoo, at: 2008/01/12 15:17

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Hello and welcome to the family, Unopoo, glad you could join us but it sounds like you need some help here don't you.


I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your mother, that is never easy to deal with but I have lost both of my parents and I know what you are feeling right now.


Do you know anything about parrots and the grey in particular? I know this was your mother's bird but depending on how long she had it do you have any other information you could share with us? How old is it, what is it's name, how long did she have it and so forth?


It does sound like something is wrong and I would urge you to take it in to see an avian vet ASAP for birds hide illness until they no longer can so sometimes by the time illness shows it is very sick indeed. Do not try any home remedies, you need an expert's advice here.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask any specific questions you may have. We will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have a picture of this grey you would like to share with us we would love to see it.

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Thank you for your support, My mom had Mariah for about 15 years. She got her when my son was little. Ive had her for a year now and she seemed to make the adjustment well. Ive read a few books on the grey and

watching my mother etc. But by far Im no expert and diffently green when it comes to caring for them.

Any suggestions would be most helpful..


Mariah is still taking and making noises like she normally does, but this morning when I took her out and put her on her perch, she just sat there with her head feather ruffled and there was a wet spot on the paper towel where she was sitting. Her poop isnt as watery as it had been. Im going to call my vet and see if he can see her today. Its pretty cold here today and I dont think taking her outside is such a good thing?

Again, thank you


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Thanks for updating the information, Beth, but Mariah does seem like she may be ill and there is no wasting time, I would see if she could be seen today, her life may depend on it. I would rather spend the extra money on just getting the peace of mind rather than risk losing her.


Its cold here, I live in Virginia too, but just cover the travel cage or whatever you are transporting her in and warm the car up a little before taking her out and she will be fine.

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Welcome Unopoo,


It does sound like your Grey may be sick. Only a vet check could tell.


I would be great if your vet could see him today. The sooner he is diagnosed and treated the better.


Please keep us updated on this situation. :-)

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Unopoo, welcome to the forum :)



I am so sorry to hear about your mother. I know from experience unfortunately what you must be going through. be strong...

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Welcome from Alaska Unopoo:

I agree, get to the vet ASAP bottom line. Better to be safe. I live in alaska and it is cold here most always. We had 2 feet of snow last night and I transport my bird just fine in a preheated car just for a ride. We don't have the luxury of a vet here. I must take a 4 hour ferry ride or a float plane to a vet. So please go soon. I also send my condolences on the passing of your mother . My mother also has passed and my father was murdered, so I can definitely understand how you are feeling. It would not be a good time to lose a bird also. Pleas go today.


Bruce & Mazy

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