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Hey, everyone!

This happened during the day today while I was at work, but my brother in law left me a note that said Klaus sang a song (he was probably whistling "Andy Griffith") then said, "Good bird." Plain as day!

Good bird!

Good bird!

I'm delirious!

He hasn't said anything since I got home, but I'm sure there's more to come...

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Congrats! It will be awesome once you get to hear Klaus yourself. My grays' mumble stuff that I cannot hear. My male gray whistles the Marine Corps Song...almost the whole song. I think he stops so we will pick up and finish the whistle. He loves when we interact with him like that. I look forward to the day I can actually hear their first words...Congrats again on this milestone.

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yeah Klaus!! Congrats Laurie!!!! Did he make any sounds before that, jabbering or something like that? Bella jabbers a lot and every now and then something coherant comes out - unfortunately the most understandable thing she says is "what the hell!" when her breakdfast bowl was empty!!! Imagine my surprise when she did that the first time!

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Congratulations Laurie!! Now the wait to hear it for yourself. :-)


I think many of our young Greys are on the verge with all the mumbling every ones, including my Grey are doing now.


Of course Nychsa got the "What the Hell" from Her Grey, I wonder who's voice it's in ;-)


Now I'm getting paranoid of what Dayo's first word may be :ohmy: :woohoo: :side:

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If you have behaved yourself Dan, you have nothing to worry about, but if you have said some bad words I am sure Dayo will pick up on them just because of the tone you used to say them.


All those whose greys are jibbering and jabbering, look out, soon it will turn into actual words and phrases and then you will be bombarded with a barage of talking like you have never heard before.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Oh heaven help us around here then Judy! Bella is this little jabbering machine! If that all turns into words, we're in for it! I've noticed now any time I chat on the phone she jabbers, and jabbers and jabbers - and then she has picked up this wicked laugh from somewhere! Now that I really think she picked up from the TV because no one around here laughs like that! I mean every conversation with anyone she puts in her two cents! None of us know what she's saying, but she's in there LOL!

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Nychsa - Sure, uh huh ;-) Well, I am glad Dayo didn't hear some of the words I was saying this morning working on my Camaro!! :P I love that car, but the way engineers placed items I wanted to "Tweak" gave me fits...


Oh No, not Sponge Bob Square Pants!! My G-Kids watch that annoying little guy hours evertime they are here. Just the sounds of his voice is like chalk screeching on the board to me!!:pinch: :ohmy:

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Thanks again, everyone!

Yes, Klaus has always jabbered, since we brought him home last July. When we first brought him home, he sounded more like R2D2 from Star Wars. Then he moved on to whistling (actual whistles & tunes). Lots of clicking sounds, the beak grind (which means he's content), water dripping sound, and he's also doing something now which sounds a little like a space laser (I don't know how else to describe it).

No further words yet. But I find it hilarious that the first thing he said was a compliment to himself (Good bird!). LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...

Regardless of whether or not Lyric talks I'll always love him, but he is 15 months old and not talking yet. He learned to wolf whistle real early and does all kinds of whistles (even some with vibratto) and clicks and does the normal grey sounds. I "thought" I heard him say "Pretty bird" one day but wasn't totally sure. I wasn't sure if he said it unclearly or if I just imagined it because I wanted him to talk so badly! So, possibly he's saying pretty bird or maybe I just have a good imagination. I'm waiting for the day when he talks non-stop! Oh, he also makes all kinds of sounds anytime I'm on the phone- must be a thing with greys.

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