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Hello from Ontario (Canada)


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Hi there,


I'm a new member here, but not new to Greys. I have a 7-yr-old TAG, and had a young CAG but lost him (he died) in 2005. I also have two Amazons (a blue-fronted, and a yellow-crowned).


Looking forward to seeing what this site is like!


SkyeDJR KanziRings.jpg


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Hello and welcome to the family, SkyeDJR, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your flock.


From the photo you shared with us you have a lovely looking Tag, he/she is a beautiful bird, what is it's name? Have you had the Tag since it was a baby or is it a rescue?


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask specific questions. We will do our best to answer as quickly as possible and help you in any way we can.


I think you will find that this is the best grey forum on the internet, we are a bunch of grey lovers just like you, and we encourage you to participate as much as you like.


We have an other birds section where you can post some pictures of your amazons if you would like to share some with us.


BTW, how did you lose the young Cag you had in 2005?

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Hi again, and thanks for the warm welcome.


Kanzi is the name of my TAG, a DNA-sexed male who was hatched in June 2000. He was purchased as a weaned baby, and has been with me since the age of 4-1/2 months.


And, to answer the other question asked, I lost Maliik (my young CAG) after he escaped through a defective patio screen door (the latch had given way without me being aware of it). The defective door was in a spare room I didn't use except for storage, so I didn't notice that it was ajar. He flew into that room after being startled by something else (something fell in the kitchen if memory serves correctly), and I heard him chirp so went in after him. In retrospect, the chirp I heard was him on the balcony (it sounded kind of "far off" when I heard it). I didn't see him again after that.


Fortunately, after tons of searching, flyers everywhere, and notifications sent to vet clinics and pounds, he was found in a neighboring township 4 days later. The woman who found him called a local vet, we had given his & my info to that vet clinic, and I was able to go pick him up. He had lost 40 gm and was weak, but seemed otherwise ok.


Unfortunately, though, we think that he got into something toxic while at large. He became profoundedly anemic, lost more weight despite eating well, and after two blood transfusions, antibiotics, ICU care, and 10 days of TLC, he died. Necropsy didn't show anything specific other than the symptoms we already knew about (nonregenerative anemia - his bone marrow had shut down - and marked loss of weight).


A month prior to his escape, I had just moved into the home I was in when this happened ... so I wasn't aware of the problem with the patio door screen. After it happened, I fixed it and put in wood stops so that they couldn't be opened.


In the home where I live now (not my previous home), the birds are in their own bird room and are secured (and all remain free-flighted). I'm moving again in the spring into my own home, and there the birds will have their own 10' x 12' aviary, so I can't wait to get there!!!!


I miss Maliik very much, and hope someday to get another CAG. I've actually been looking for the past year or so, but nothing really is coming up yet that is suitable for my home. (Note: there have been several CAGs for rehoming in the classifieds, but few if any have had vet checks or blood work, or even been DNA-sexed, and I'm leery about bringing them into my 3-bird home without any background vet info since I cannot provide a "separate air space" quarantine here. Chlamydophila can spread easily in a one-ventilation-system home, and isn't always detected with one go-round of testing (such as a new bird would get before being brought home), hence my concern.


In the new home, I'd have better means of quarantining a new arrival, so perhaps then I can rehome a dumped CAG. Til then, I just miss Maliik.

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Thanks Skye, for updating your information for us, it helps to know a little more about new members so we can get to know you better.


Accidents can and do happen and you cannot blame yourself but even though he escaped you did find him but by then he had gotten into something that was eventually toxic for him and lost him anyway. I do hope you can rescue a needy Cag, for unfortunately we do have too many of those because of people who do not understand what they are getting into when they get them. I am glad that you can find it in your heart to accept a rehomed grey, they usually come with baggage that has to be dealt with.


How wonderful that you will have an aviary, I am so jealous, I don't have the room for that but then I only have one Cag and a sun conure, so just having separate cages for them is the best solution.


Thanks for sharing the story of how you lost Maliik, I know it is a painful one but in sharing it with us you never know when you may help someone else in being more careful about their surroundings and possibly saving another grey life.


I know you miss Maliik and you always will but if you can get another Cag it will go a long way to help fill the hole left by the loss of Maliik and what a tribute to her that would be.:)

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