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Hi everyone! I have a ten year old rehomed male CAG. We got him in september and are still in awe of what an awesome being he is! His previous owners had him on a horrible diet and hadn't taken him to the vet in 8 years. Needless to say he had severe infections that required me to medicate him twice a day, which he hated. I am still his favorite person and have been blessed with kisses daily. He is a talker as long as no one is in the room. However he only has a few phrases. Talking is not why we adopted him and would love him just as much if he didn't talk at all. Thanks for listening!


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Hello and welcome to the family, Heather, glad you could join us and I know you are going to love it here just like we do.


Thanks for taking in this grey in need of a home and a good diet, and I assume you took him in to see a vet since he is on medication. How could the previous owners be so neglectful but he is in a loving and stable home now it seems.


Seems like he didn't have much trouble adjusting to a new home since he gives you kisses and has picked you as his favorite person. That seems to be the fate of a lot of greys to not talk in the company of others but only when they think they are alone. My Josey does talk in front of me and she even carries on a conversation with my hubby sometimes.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask specific questions. We will get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures you would like to share with us we would love to see him, and what is his name?

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Oh sorry, his name is Gizmo. He hasn't been on the meds since we first got him. I took him in 2 days after rescuing him. I'd have taken him that day but it was a Saturday! Here is a link to a flickr set of old pictures. He and the cat love to share the top of his cage. Gizmo will only tolerate her presence for so long and then when he's had enough he will go over and pull a few kitty hairs to give her the message. Of course they are always supervised!

bird 016

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Welcome Heather and Gizmo!!


What a wonderful choice you made in rescuing that great Grey! It sounds you are all taken with each other and building a bond that will last for life.


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)

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Greetings Heather: I'm giving you a karma for rescuing your bird. You have come to the right site full of grey lovers. There are so many very knowledgeable people here to help and share their experiences . I'm sure you're reading through the threads which are extremely useful and what you don't find ,ask. Love the pictures keep them coming.You are off to a great start with your new friend. Be patient and you'll be rewarded.

Bruce & Mazy from Alaska

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I am so in awe of how nice everyone has been so far in this group! Thank you so much for being here! Does anyone know of a good place to buy cardboard tubes that do not have glue on them? It is one of Gizmo's favorite things to do. One of his many nicknames is shredder!

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I had read somewhere (not sure where though) that the glues they use to hold them together are not bird "friendly." I currently give him kraft paper (I have a whole roll of it) that I twist and weave through the bars. I also lay it on the floor when we are foraging as a pack. It's pretty crazy to see myself, 3 dogs, 4 cats and of course Gizmo searching for tidbits under the paper. I can only imagine what a neighbor would say if they saw us!

His favorite things are gift wrap tubes because they can go from one side of his cage to the other. He gets great delight out of making a hole int he center so that the roll falls to the bottom for more pouncing action. I could talk about him all day. I will look for the tube info and post it if possible.

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