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hoping you all can help

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we have an 8 yr old congo african grey that we rescued at 1 yr old. He was mistreated and they even admitted to us that they would blow marijuana smoke in his face. He bonded instantly to our oldest son even regugitating for him. He seems to be a happy bird,although he does not talk, he does many other things and mimics many things and still amazes us. We love him very much, but no one can handle him except our oldest son who has moved on to college. So he does not get the physical attention that he deserves anymore. We are concerned that if we decide to try to find him a new home, what will happen to him?? We have heard alot about these birds bonding to their humans. Will he bond with a new human or will we be putting him in jeopardy?? Thanx for any advice you all can give.

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Hello and welcome to the family, mom3b1g1969, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this grey.


How on earth could some people blow marijuana smoke in a grey's face, what kind of morons would do such a thing, if I could have caught them in the act I would have literally killed them.


It was so nice that he could bond with your oldest son but now he is off to college and no one else can handle him, but all is not lost here. A grey usually will favor one person more than anyone else, but that does not mean he will not get along with the other members of the family. They usually have a different relationship with each member anyway.


If you have had him for 7 years you must care deeply for him and I would keep him, not move him on to yet another home for him to get used to more people. I would talk to him a lot, go sit by his cage and read to him and be there for companionship and maybe he will at least step up for you. Give him treats and see if that helps him to come around. He has been with you for 7 years now and he needs to know that you are not going to abandon him, he needs the love and support from his flock.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask specific questions you may have. We will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have a picture of him you would like to share with us we would love to see him. BTW, what is his name?

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Welcome mom3b1....!!!


Wow, what a wonderful and lucky Grey you have there. As Judy stated, if at all possible, I would keep him and work on that building that closer relationship with him. Either way, a new owner would first need to spend a lot of time just try to be accepted by him.


You already have that acceptance, now you just need to build the closeness in, which I would think in your feeding and spending time with him each day, he will just naturally start interacting more and more with you.


Please let us know if you have any questions or keep us updated as this progresses. We love Grey's dearly and only wish the best for them and their owners. :-)

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Welcome Mom3b1g1969:

I'm sure you'll find this forum invaluable and the people here a tremendous resource. Dan & judygram have given you some good advice. Definitely read the threads on this site. Many of your answers will be there already. My only other suggestion is that since the bird has bonded with your son perhaps a male in the house will have better luck approaching than the females.

Glad you found us and send some pictures.

See you out there.

Bruce & Mazy from Alaska

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