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I've had my gray for a few years now. We got it when it was 9 months old. It was sort of hand friendly but then something happened and now no one can hold it. It screams and flaps around. But it talks up a storm.


I want to work with it to try to get it hand trained. What to do?

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Hello and welcome to the family, Shelmae, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your grey.


You say something happened and now no one can hold it, do you know what happened that made that change? Usually there is some kind of change made that brings around that kind of behavior and if you can figure out what that was it will go a long way in bringing about a change for the better.


So how old would you say this grey is now? I say this for it may be going thru sexual maturity and sometimes that hormonal thing brings about behavior changes that are baffling to us. Another thing I would do is schedule an avian vet visit if it has been a while since it has seen one to rule out anything physically wrong.


We have some very knowledgeable people here who may be able to help you with your problem. In the meantime read as many of the threads on various topics as you can for lots of useful information. We will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures you would like to share with us we would love to see it. What is its name and do you know what sex it is?

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Hi Judy,


Gomez is atleast 6 yrs old. He was never real comfortable with people but would get on our hands. We did get an Amazon for a few years but it died. That might have been it. Gomez sings and talks and plays. Asks for peanuts and bananas. It only goes nutty if we go into it's cage. If it flies out of the cage it will let my husband pick it up and take it back to the cage but not me.


I'll get a photo for you soon

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shelmae: Gomez sounds like he loses some security in his space when you enter it. It is important they have a secure feeling when in their cage.

Try just opening the door and leave him alone. He then has the choice to come out when he wants. He may not choose to for several days and wonder why the door is open. Eventually he will check it out. When he does for the first few times, you may even consider not approaching him just to let him know it's alright to come out on his own and shouldn't feel any insecurity.

If he shows any anxious behavior with the door open, close it and try again the next day. Be patient, and over time it may help.

Bruce & Mazy

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Hi MazyAK,


We do open his door when we're home. He's ok with that and comes out and is ok if I come up to the cage and talk to him through the open door. I can give him food through the open door, he squats and does that shake thing and snatch the food sometimes quicker than other times. He will come up to the size of the cage and ask for food and take it carefully from us so long as we're on the other side of the cage.


The problem we have is if we reach for him he screams and tries to get away.



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Gomez has become territorial about his cage and does not like it when you invade it to get him, just let him come out on his own, he seems to be ok once he is out of the cage. They sometimes can get this way about their cage, it is their sanctuary and the place where they feel most secure so allow him to come out on his own.

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He won't let anyone but my husband pick him up if he's off his cage. But will not let my husband pick him up from the cage. Maybe he needs a therapist! LOL


He's not my first parrot but the only one who has reverted to not letting anyone hold him.

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Welcome Shelmae and Gomez!!


The others have asked great questions and given good advice. There is no doubt that Gomez is very protective of his home (the Cage).


He sounds like a very active and socialized Grey and seemingly has chosen your Husband as the preferred flock member to get close with. Perhaps your Husband could use that closeness and trust to slowly work on having Gomez accept him slowly just placing his hand in the Cage with a treat he loves or perhaps watching from the outside of his cage while you do odds things such as clean, put fresh food in etc. Maybe he is already ok with that?


I am certain others will have many great ideas and perhaps direct experience with this cage issue.

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Hi DanMcq,


Thanks for the suggestions. I started last night with bananas. At first Gomez wouldnt' come near me. Then I had my husband sit by the cage with it. She came down and reached around the door and took it from him. When she was done I did the same since she was already down by her bowl. She took the piece from me too without snatching it. It's a start. Our youngest son told me last night that Gomez lets him pick her up from the floor. Still never from the cage.


I call Gomez a she because she likes my husband and son. She sits in and on her cage and watches me in the kitchen. Her cage is in the kitchen so she's isn't loanly. She talks and sings and asks for food. Pretty normal until we try to pick her up in the cage.


I have to say I love this website! A friend told me about it!



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It does sound like he's getting territorial of his cage and defining to you how and when you and your family will be allowed to enter or not. My bird Mazy has picked me as her favorite and usually I'm the only one who can access her. She has lately begun taking an interest in the males in the house but not the females. If she ends up on the floor, she does let anybody who is available to pick her up but only from the floor. You're on the right track. Be slow and patient. Lessons often take a long time and lots of repetition. No need to get frustrated or anxious over this behavior. Temptation and bribery sound like their working slowly.

Bruce & Mazy

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This is going to take time, Shelmae, if you were ok with just listening to her and not interacting with her and now you want to interact, she is not used to this. Gradually work with her including her more and more in one on one things and eventually she will accept it but on her terms and maybe not as much as you would like.


She is set in her ways and it will take a lot of patience like Bruce said, patience, patience and more patience. Good luck with your endeavor.

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Hi Judy,


Things are going good with Gomez. We were able to handle her for about two years then she no longer wanted us. At that time we tried working with her but nothing worked. so we accepted it instead of stressing her out. So now I decided I should try to get her to interact with us physically.


She will now sit on her bowl an accept food from me out side her door without snatching it, so we are making progress.



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Hi Selmae,


It's great to hear you are already making progress and so is Gomez. It sounds like he/she would like a little closer contact too with the flock there at your home.


Gomez will keep letting the guard down little by little. Especially with you and the rest now focusing on that. :-)

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