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How can I get my parrot to come to me?


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Could anyone give me some advice? We have had our african grey parrot for a year and a half now and he still wont come and sit with us. Before we owned him he was looked after by an old couple who never really had much time for him. He wasnt being given any toys to keep him occupied nor was he given a varied diet. We take good careof him. He is now around 3 years old. Is it normal behavior of a bird that has previously been looked after by someone else to behave in this way or do we need to gain more trust from the bird?:)

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It sounds like he wasn't handled much or at all with the previous owners. Yes, it's still possible that he will warm up to you, if you let him know you are non-threatening and he feels very secure. Most parrots really want a friend, so that works in your favor. Will he let you scratch his head, or help him with pin feathers? Will he take treats from your hand? Does he come out of his cage? Do you have a playstand for him? Does he talk?


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It could be he just isn't as sociable as most, he is more independent and maybe it is because he was not given the opportunity to be around his flock and was left to himself and he is more comfortable by himself. Ttalk to him and include him in your activities and maybe one day he will decide to be a little closer to you and be willing to sit with you but he may just be satisfied to just be close and not on you.

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Both my birds were rehomed/rescued, in fact my 13 year old CAG was owned by an old couple and she was cage bound for at least 4 years, she was only fed sunflower seeds, and occasionally got some fruit. So I'm seeing similarities here. However I worked VERY hard to get where I'm at with my Grey, she will now step up on command, and always give kisses when asked. But I also gave her, and still do, her space. My other Grey is more like velcro always wanting to be around me.


If you're wanting them to come hang out get a tree gym or something where they can be near you, but still have "their" space. I'm not sure if you're just trying to put them on your couch next to you, or on the floor, but get a neutral space for them that they can have. I bought a huge manzanita tree for Red, and everytime I was in the kitchen/living room since they're connected I would have her on her tree. I'd make no attempt to touch her other than to get her from point A to point B. I also noticed that it made her a LOT less jumpy to other noises in the house.


Now you have my 3 cents, I would get a neutral zone with something for her, in the event that you already don't. Treats go a long way, so don't forget that!

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proddytheparrot wrote:

proddy seem so evil thou everytime i walk past his cage he tries to have a swipe at me sometimes.or if i put my hand out with a treat in the other hand he tries to bite me it seems as if hel never trust me and he gets spoiled since weve had him 1 and half years


Hi there, sorry to hear that Proddy is not warming up. How often/long is Proddy out of his cage? Does he take interest in what is going on in the house? Is he in an area where he can watch what's going on in the house? Sorry for all the questions - I'm by no means an expert on AG's, but I think if it were me, I would try to identify what seems to get his interests and leverage that. I noticed your cage has one of those rounded tops - does he have an area where he can forage around? I really had no idea how much parrots enjoy foraging until my vet told me create a foraging environment on the top of their playtops of their cages. When I'm home and they are out all day, they forage, and forage and forage. They also seem to enjoy the little puzzles I make for them.


The reason I'd want to get him interested in something like foraging would be to re-engage him. It sounds like while he was with the older couple he may have just simply disconnected due to the lack of stimulation and proper food, and internalized a good deal of frustration and well, now he's just angry! I have no idea if that's the case, but it would seem to be that it would be possible that could happen! I am amazed at how complex and observant my feathered housemates are! Nothing escapes them, and I can't imagine what it would do to the psyche of such an animal to be locked up and ignored, and fed the wrong things!


So, that would be my guess. I'd want to do things to make him happy again, like foraging, giving him opportunities to be out and about. Or like other members suggested, get him one of those trees to climb around on - you can put foraging cups on the tree and let him find things. Bella loves to climb around on things, dangle upside down while she's attacking a toy.


If he loosens up and begins to enjoy things around his enviornment, he may show signs of wanting to hang out. The thing you have going in your favor is that they are flock animals and do like to be close to their flock. Like I said, I'm no expert, but if I were in your situation, I think I'd want to re-engage him.


Good luck and do share how things go!


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as we both work 9 till 5 we realy cant trust him to be left out alone as last time he torn all the wall paper and flown into the window blinds.when we do come in thou he gets out till about 10pm on his playstand and seems to enjoy himself.proddy always talks and shouts and seems happy.when i give him a treat by hand i ask him what do you say?..he will then say hello(we are working on it to teach him more).he just seems unsure to step onto my hand or let me rub him even through the cage.hopefully 1 day thou:)

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