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Grey Owner that is LOST!


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I will be the number 4 person to suggest using red palm oil. I put a little on Harrison's favorite treat every morning and she gobbles it up. Her skin seems to be in much better shape...not so dry. Also, we thought Harrison was plucking her feathers a while ago. We had taken her to a different vet to get another oppinion...that's when we found out that the first vet had clipped her wings too short and when she "folded" her wings to her side, she would accidentally poke herself...then she'd start chewing/plucking at her wing feathers. We started using red palm oil and left her wings alone and she's fine now. If we decide to clip her wings again, we'll have the new vet do it so we know it's being done right.<br><br>Post edited by: HeatherStrella, at: 2008/01/27 05:12

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  • 4 weeks later...

I guess it's time for an update.


Max was progressing wonderfully, I could see his feathers starting to come back and he seemed very happy, many thanks to all of the suggestions and tips from this forum.


I've been home sick with the flu for the past two days. Yesterday morning, all was well, he was talkative and his "usual" self, and then in the afternoon he was at the bottom of his cage, struggling for life! I don't know what could have happened and it happened so fast and so unexpectedly. I felt like there was nothing I could do for him, I wrapped him in a towel and had a friend drive us to the vet, but his vet (which happens to be the closest one to us) is 40 minutes away. He died in my arms on the way down there.


I can't believe this is happening, I had no idea anything was wrong and now he is gone. My house is too quiet now, it's so hard to be here. He always says Good Morning to me every morning and this morning, he wasn't there. :(


The vet is going to see what happened and I should know something this afternoon, but I decided to have him privately cremated so that I can bury his ashes at my parent's house in Texas (where I grew up). I'd like to plant a tree in my parents backyard for him.


I just can't believe that he's gone now... so fast.



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I wish I could say something to bring you a small measure of comfort. Remember the happy bird he became over these past few months and feel good that you were able to bring him the peace he needed to stop plucking and evolve into a well-adjusted little guy. I'm sure the other forum members who followed your story join me in feeling a bit of your loss. Please let us know what the vet discovers.


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Oh Matt, I am so sorry to hear of this news and know that you did the best you could for him but it was just not meant to be. My heart goes out to you and I hope you can find peace and know that you made him happy for the short period of time you had together. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


We would like to know what the vet finds out and thanks for following thru to know what caused this because you never know who else's grey may be saved by the knowledge the vet finds out.


Thanks for letting us know, it couldn't have been easy for you.


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Hey everyone,


Thanks so much for the kind words. Cherish every sound that your grey makes and record them often. I have a funny clip of Max attacking my video camera taken a few months before he died. The house is so different without him here.


The doc called today and said that it was his heart. His heart muscles were streaking and strained, so he must have had a bad heart. He called it myocardial fibrosis, or fibrosis of the heart muscles or something like that. His lungs were very clean, and his other organs looked great, but his heart just couldn't keep him alive. His comment was that there was nothing that could be done and that birds are great at hiding things. He was such a sweet bird.


I have a chance to get another grey, from the same breeder.... Max's brother or sister! I really want another one to honor Max's memory and fill the void. Max can never be replaced!


Thanks again everybody. This site is a blessing!

Matt Garza



Old one, speaking spanish:


New one, eating the camera:

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Thanks Matt for the update on the findings of the necropsy and the vet is right, there was nothing you could have done to prevent it from happening. I am so sorry but I am glad to hear you are wanting to get another grey and maybe Max's brother or sister, what a tribute to Max that would be.


Max can never be replaced but another grey can help heal the hole you have in your heart for Max and you can find joy with another grey, I believe Max would have wanted it this way, he taught you to have unconditional love for the grey and what better way to honor him.


We are here to help you in any way we can, just let us know what we can do.


We do have a Pet Memorial room now so if you want to put an entry in it for Max that would honor him as well.

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Thanks for the update Matt, As the vet said if it was his heart there was nothing anybody could have done.Max was truly loved with you & it would be wonderful to have his brother or sister, the only thing i would say is please ask the vet if Max's heart problem could be heredity ? i would hate for you to go through another heartache, perhaps discuss it with the breeder as well ;) please keep us posted.

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  • 3 months later...

Matt , I am so sorry. I have lost one before also . The stillness in the house is so painful ,so empty . Time does help and always remember you gave him the best , he was a lucky bird to have won your heart.

He is now at the Rainbow Bridge , healthy, happy and free.You will meet again .

Chin up, you are in my thoughts.


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Matt, I'm so sorry for your loss. Max was obviously very loved. You know that you were a loving and attentive friend to him and you did all within your power to make his life happy, so please don't expend any energy on any 'what if's' that may be going through your mind. Thank you for sharing your vets' findings with us. Sad as it is, it helps all of us grey owners to expand our understanding of these precious souls. When you're ready, there's another grey baby out there waiting for you to love it. Be well.

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Matt, I am SO sorry to hear about your pal. I know exactly how it feels to have a bird die suddenly and unexpectedly, and how empty and lonely your home is without your friend. You were obviously a loving and attentive caretaker to Max, and I hope you will have a new grey soon. You are right, it will never take the place of Max, but it will help heal the hole in your own heart . . .


Sending hugs

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