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Update on SweetHeart if anyone remembers us lol


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Hey Everyone! Sorry haven't been on here in a little bit but there hasn't been anything to really write about. SweetHeart is still the same. She really won't let anyone just hold her or sit on the chair with me. :( So I haven't written much. BUT today she started making all kinds of noises!!!!! Not just a whistle or some mumbling like she was doing I mean tons of noises!! It was just weird cause it just came out all of a sudden and a bunch of them. It was like she was saving them and showing off for all of us tonight. I loved it! I'm sure I'll be telling her to shut up soon enough lol but tonight I have been waiting for this since I got her! It has been a very long patient road with her. It was just nice to hear her tonight. I know it probably sounds lame to some but I wanted to share. With everything she has gone through with her flight to get here and it has now been almost 3 months that we have had her and haven't really made too much progress with her. Not from lack of trying let me tell you. But just letting her take her time with things. Well just thought I would update all of you. Hope everyone had a great Christmas and is off to a good start with their New Year! Talk to everyone later, hope I'll be on here more. Maybe this is the road to improvement with her. I am at home more now so maybe that is helping!

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We all get busy, I'm sure time will fix everything. Like you said there has been some improvement. I love hearing all the noises they make and trying to mock them haha. That really freaks them out haha. Hope you had a good Christmas as well and it seems your new year is off to an okay start :)

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Oh yeah Ronda, we remember Sweetheart, and I have been wondering where you were lately, we haven't seen you for a while.


I am glad to hear it is going ok for you and her, kind of progressing slowly but she had a traumatic experience in her flight to you and it will take time to let that pass. I am very happy to hear she is making all kinds of sounds now, that is usually what they do before they start trying to make words, at least she is being more vocal.


Just keep working with her and it time she will be more accepting of sitting on you or letting you hold her but then that may just be the way she is, after all they have their own little personalities and she may just be a little more aloof than most.


Don't stay away so long, you don't have to have some progress to report to be on the site and participate, your input and advice is welcome at any time and besides we love hearing from you. I have missed you in some of the games also so come on and join in and lets have a little fun!!!

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Hi Ronda!!


I am so happy for you that you had an exciting moment with Sweethearts tonal interlude. :-)


You are so patient, it is inspiring. It sets a great example for us all. I know you love sweetheart so much, yet are not seeing that in return as far as head scratching and just sitting on your Arm or Hand, but it will come.


Maybe you could tell us how she reacts now when you try things and some of us can offer some suggestions. :-)


Just want to help you and sweetheart to "Get Together"!!

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Well on the get together part that would be great Dan! lol I will post a question on that by the way. I do miss you guys! Now that I some free time I'll be on here more.;)


It says by the way that I am subscribed to this but I didn't get any e-mails showing that any of you posted on my comment. Maybe I'm having trouble on this end, oh well will keep trying!

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Hi, Ronda!

We're glad you're back.

Trust me, everyone on this forum enjoys reading about each others greys (from the little silly stuff to really big stuff like first words).

Either that, or everyone on here is just humoring me! :lol:

I'm not sure what to advise as far as developing more of a bond with Sweetheart. Experience has taught me, though, with Klaus not to give up on anything on the first try. Sometimes several tries over a period of months, and viola! You've made a breakthrough. Hang in there, Sweetheart is lucky to have a good mom like you.

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