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I just got home from school, my mother said she had to cover our AG. We have him by a window so he can see out, which he loves. But without the cover he climbs the cage, looks out the window, and shakes like he was just tried to be killed, and won't tear away from it.


With the cover he sits on the bottom of the cage, shaking and gasping. :unsure:


He usually never wants to leave his cage area, but now seems terrified of it. Any idea what's wrong with him? It's impossible that he ate anything bad for him, since he's either in the cage or out, closely supervised (we have dogs and cats).

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Wow..... I am really sorry to hear that your poor little AG is under the weather. I am not sure where you live but it does concern me that you are letting your AG by the window because it may cause the poor little darling to be ill. I am not an expert but I would move your AG and definately ensure that you visit the vet incase your AG is really ill.


I wish you the best of luck and I am glad that you posted because I cannot imagine a more knowledgable site than this one.

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Cyard wrote:

Wow..... I am really sorry to hear that your poor little AG is under the weather. I am not sure where you live but it does concern me that you are letting your AG by the window because it may cause the poor little darling to be ill. I am not an expert but I would move your AG and definately ensure that you visit the vet incase your AG is really ill.


I wish you the best of luck and I am glad that you posted because I cannot imagine a more knowledgable site than this one.


How could it make him ill? It doesn't open :S

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It may not of made him sick but there could be a draft from the window. It sounds like you bird is sick.

I would move the cage away from the window keep him warm (around 80 degrees.) and get him in to see an avian vet asap.

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If you have him next to a window, it could be that he has seen something that has made him very frightened. It sounds like he is showing signs of great fear. I would move the cage so that one side is against a wall, and it's no longer next to a window. See what happens, and let us know.


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He could be stressed out because he saw something out the window that frightened him, I know my conure will notice a bird outside sometimes and watches very intently, it is just natural for them to be cautious of possible prey.


On the other hand if you have any idea that he may be sick then get him in to see an avian vet, ASAP, when they show signs of being ill they are very sick indeed, for they hide it as long as possible.

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This afternoon I brought Oliver into my office as I always do, as he loves to go there with me. This time as we passed through the door he panicked and squawked and flapped and tried to climb up my neck. Someone had turned the ceiling fan on and he saw it as a giant predator. I don't usually have it on, evidently I haven't had it on with him in the room yet. My point is that you might want to look carefully for some change in the environment around his cage, even something as innocent as a ceiling fan could be terrifying to him.

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