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Is it safe to have a bird around cell phones?


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Hi, everyone, I have a question. Is magnetic radiation and modulated signals hazardous to a bird’s health? The media speaks of danger from most land-based, portable phones, cell phones and WiFi routers saying the magnetic radiation or the microwave carrier waves may be hazardous to human health. I doubt that we experience massive exposures like you might expect in a microwave oven since these thermal effects for the most part are insignificant in humans but what about birds? Does any one know? It’s easy to conclude that the biological damage that comes from the modulated signals that are carried on the carrier microwave must have some effect on their systems. Does anyone know? Is there any research that addresses this out there? In humans long term exposure can stimulate your cellular receptors causing a whole cascade of pathological consequences that can culminate in fatigue, anxiety and ultimately cancers. It seems strange to me that with every other warning out there- fumes, non-stick cookware, Teflon, house hold cleaners, there should be something addressing this hazard. Does anyone know?

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I dont have info that would indicate cell phones are any more dangerous to birds than to us. The verdict and true affect of all the magnetic fields, radiation, high frequency signals etc we surround ourselves with is really not in yet! Time will tell. I have often wondered weather the infrared beams sent from most TV remotes and the newer wireless game systems (like Wii) are bad for the birds. I know their vision is different than ours and I have noted a few times that Kip seems kinda freaked out sometimes when I use our TV remote, even if she is pretty far away. Not sure that would be "bad" for them, but I wonder if they can see the IR beam?

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Hmm, I think my phones are in more danger from my CAG then my CAG from the phones! I had to buy her a play phone as any time I was on the regular land line she was absolutely focused on picking at the keys and would do what ever it took to get me to give it to her, to include nipping me pretty good!

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I don't know one way or the other...however I do notice that my birds all WIG OUT when I'm on a cordless phone or my cell phone, but when I'm on my landline thats not cordless and it hooked into the wall, they don't care a bit. I almost wonder if they can sense the waves and it freaks them out!

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