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help desperatly needed


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hello all, I'm really in need of some advise. My Timneh Monte is about 6 months old now, and for the first few months he was a perfect little angel, but for the last month or so whenever he's out all he does is squawk. He rarely touches any of his toys anymore, just basicaly squats down low and squawks non stop. I've tried to distract him with toys and games, but nothing seems to work. He always seems to just want to sit on my lap and get snuggled, but I wanna be careful to not over do it. I'm really getting pretty stressed out about this, because it's getting to the point where bringing him out is just painful, and everyone I live with is ready to kill me. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated, or if anyone knows of a good behaviorist in Ontario (around the Guelph/Kitchener area specificaly) would also help.

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it's only when he's out with me or my girlfriend, and for about 5 mins after I put him in his cage. Once he's been in his cage for a bit he's fine. It's getting really hard to have him out as much as he should be/is used to because of the constant noise, but I don't wanna cause more problems by neglecting to have him out.

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Maybe he is regressing offer him some warm food right before you put him away or when you first take him out.

Be sure to not reward him when he does act like this.

Have you moved his cage lately? I know my Que does this type behavior when I move her in front of a window she begs and begs. Not really loud but you know she is not happy.

Or maybe move the cage to a more enclosed spot but still in the living room. That is assuming your bird is already in the area you spend the most time. If not it may be a good idea to move the cage into the living room.

Good Luck

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I would let him squawk, and hope he realises that it doesn't get him attention, then when he makes good noises praise him, give him toys, talk to him, hold him. Pretend he isn't doing anything, like when they bite. Hopefully it will be replaced with talking, clicking and things like that.

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Sounds like you may have an insecure baby on your hands (6 mos. is still a baby). Do you have a portable playstand so he can be near you instead of just on/in the cage? I'm guessing the squawking (unusual) is a sign of anxiety. If so, I think he needs reassurance, although obviously you want to reward the behavior you want repeated. Whatever you do, try not to admonish him in any way for the squawking, and give him lots of attention when he's making happy noises or quiet. Try sitting and reading out loud next to him, giving him treats (when he's quiet) by hand when he's on a playstand or his cage, etc.


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sounds like a bit of anxiety to me too. Like Chapala said, don't "discipline" him for squwaking, this is just what they would do in the wild afterall, and being his parent, you're just going to have to more or less deal with it. Try keeping him near the action near the family with either a playstand or move the cage there so he can be around you.

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