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Hello. So I took my bird Nikki in to Adventures in Birds in Houston yesterday to get her nails clipped. When I first joined greyforums I asked for some help concerning her lack of activity. Well the owner said that it was obvious to her that Nikki's legs had been broken some time in the past. I feel so bad for the little girl and was wondering what you all had to say. Have you seen it before? Is she in pain? (the owner says it more than likely happened when she was a baby) I just feel so bad for my little handicapped CAG. I love her even more than I did (if its possible):(

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Hi sfef84 Sometimes when they are babies in the nest they can unfortunately suffer from broken limbs being crushed by other siblings or the parents.If this happened to nikki at this young age she will not know any different & she wont relize she has a deformatiy.Does she manage to perch ok ? i know some owners adapt perches to suit the needs of their greys with deformed legs etc..Have you had her checked over by the vet ? THey will be able to tell you a little more.Im sure as long as she is healthy in other ways,eating,playing, being vocal etc.. she will be fine, but i would just pay a visit to the vet for your own peace of mind.And yes i agree you love her more, she is a special little girl & has a loving mom to look after her ;)

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I agree with LMG, take her to an Avian vet for a well bird check up and ask they look at her legs. I would also say that LMG was also right about your CAG not knowing any different and as long as she eats, plays, and acts like a grey she is fine.

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I too must agree. A trip to an avian vet and also adopt the cage for her.

We had a parrot out on the farm lived over 30 years with one foot that had all the bones shattered. With a cage that was adopted for her she did very well. She even gave us babies and was a good mother.

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Poor little Grey bird. I'm surprised the breeder or pet store didn't let you know there was a problem. Seems like they would have known.


Yes, an appt. with an avian vet is important to have her checked out. Then, adapting the cage for a handicapped bird - there are lots of ideas out there on the net, and may even be a yahoo forum. Platforms, wide perches, connected perches since she probably cannot climb the bars. If you can manage it in your home, it might be a good idea to let her become flighted since she can't move around on her legs well.


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Poor little Nikki but she does not know she is different and this grey was meant to end up in your care for you love her unconditionally, she is special and you are truly blessed.


I echo the others on the vet visit and follow his recommendations as to any adaptions needed for her cage and perches.

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Thank you all for your prompt replies. She climbs around the cage just fine and talks, dances, etc. My profile picture is of Nikki. This is her normal position (being cute) haha. She hangs around her cage but mostly sits around. Thank you all again and I will keep you all updated!!


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