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Abdull ..new member

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hey guys im new here..not to the full sense ive been lurking around the fourm for a week or so now and wanted to say hi :)



heres a little bit about me..a part from my profile lol...i currently do not own an african gray but i do plan to get one in a couple of months or so :) im currently researching and reading books about them..when i was 5 my dad used to breed eagles ''im originally from Dubai - United arab emirates..which is in the desert of middle east lol'' and from that grew the love of parrots...i started with budgies...and cockteils..but ended up falling in love with indian ringnecks..but my dream was to own an african grey i was to young and poor at that time .. but now that i moved to canada..and plan to live here permanatly and can financially afford it ive been wanting to get one for a year...so ive been saving up for the cage/a pet insurance and toys. and after that on my grey :lol: ....this sounds like a cool fourm again nice meeting u guys :)


also just wondering if anyone here knows of a breeder in canada BC ive found a few online and im in the process of contacting them..but id prefer to be refered to a good one :)

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Hi Abdullah & cooltext68166787.jpg


Credit to you for researching & saving for your grey.You will not be disappointed when you get one ;)

I'm not sure if we have any members in Canada who can recommend a breeder, have you tried local bird clubs or asked your local avian vet ?

I wish you luck in finding the right bird & please keep us updated.Glad you joined & decided not to lurk anymore :P

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Hello and welcome to the family, Abdull, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey you plan on getting.


You are doing the right thing in researching and reading all you can on greys before you actually purchase one, wish everyone would do that then we wouldn't have so many in need of new homes and in rescues.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask us specific questions. We will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


We don't mind lurkers if they eventually come on in and join, we have lots of members who are willing to help each other and we have some fun along the way also, so participate all you want.:P

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Welcome Abdullah!!!


You came to the right place for information and questions you have on Greys and a great close knit family atmosphere.


We'll look forward to hearing more form you. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/01/04 14:45

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thanks you guys youve been nothing but nice to me...i was lurking around because usually most parrot fourms people tend to be snobbish..this one fourm i was reading had people flaming other people about how inaduequete they are and how they should never get a bird..pet or anything coz thyre not educated..not one of them offered some tips or help to the people who posted questions...with that said i know the resposibilites of owning a pet and how that can be a drain to you financially..but not nesscierly so if you plan it out :)


oh and hey fairy..where abouts in isreal are you from? my bestfriend ayelet is currently visiting from there! id love to visit ;) again hi to everyone else you guys are nice


and about pet insurance it really is a very good idea...im getting my kitty on one soon ''doing the paper work'' it saved my friend 2000 dollers on medical expenses with his dog


also i havent completely rulled out the idea of rescuing a grey...im just wieghing things first coz so far some of the adoption fees ive seen is almost similar to buying a new one....not to mention the extensive paperwork..its next to impossible to alow a 20 year old student adopt anything nowadays...they still think you wont be fully able to afford the pet...oh well im not in hurry..i really wish theres a way to find a good breeder her..ive checked clubs african greys are not very common species to breed here in bc..or maybe its just impossible to find them online:) ill keep you guys updated

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Hey Abdullah, I am from Ramat-Gan a city near Tel-Aviv -

Israel has wonderful scenery and interesting archeological sites and everywhere you walk you know history documented the events taking place there - so it would be great if you would visit - I am sure you would have a great time :)


About insurance - you are right. I just never thought about it in relation to a 'bird' :blush:


Have you ever seen these breeders in BC? I think they sound reliable:


click here please


but since I have no experience with them couldn't recommend them obviously :)

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Welcome from Alaska Abdullah:

You are taking all the right steps in your research. Greys are a big commitment and require a lot of attention. That's cool that your dad bred eagles. What kind were they. I live in Haines where we have the largest gathering of bald eagles in the world from October till January 3 miles from our home.

Good luck and I'm sure you'll find a reputable breeder in B.C.

This forum is not as others. These are good knowledgeable people willing to help.

See you out there.

Bruce & Mazy

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hey there mazyak...nice to meet you...okay a little correction i have to do..specifically he used to breed falcons...my vocabulary is nott hat great sometimes lol..and i always mistake eagles and falcons as the same


this type if im not mistaken http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peregrine_Falcon thyre very popular in the UAE...offcourse now theres tighter restriction and control over breeding them :)

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HI Abdullah,


It's great that you are researching and taking your time in deciding which way you wish to go in getting an African Grey. Rescuing one is sometimes costly and time consuming if they require you to take classes with them on Parrot up-keep before they consider letting you adopt one. But, it is good for the owner and the Parrot so they get off to a good start.


Just keep being patient and searching and destiny will take you to the Grey that is waiting for you. :-)

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i wanted to update you guys...a friend of a friend heard that im obssesd about getting an african grey and hes moving into this other town...he gave me his stainless steal cage its beautiful and really heavy very big too! it looks like as if he just got it from a shop aperantly he kept an amazon in it but it passed away and he wanted to give it to someone...it looks really expensive wow im thrilled...ill see if ican get a picture up soon!


int a stainless steal cage the best? its also very clean and in excellent condition ive never owned something like that!

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Congrats on getting a new cage and a stainless steel one at that, yes it is the best and expensive too. You have a very good friend of a friend and very generous to just give you the cage like that and yes we would love to see a picture of it if you would post one.

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Abdullah wrote:

hey there mazyak...nice to meet you...okay a little correction i have to do..specifically he used to breed falcons...my vocabulary is nott hat great sometimes lol..and i always mistake eagles and falcons as the same


this type if im not mistaken http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peregrine_Falcon thyre very popular in the UAE...offcourse now theres tighter restriction and control over breeding them :)



Hey, we got a member here who is also into falconeering, by the username of "Falconeer" :laugh: What a coincidence B)

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Abdullah: Good to continue to hear from you. Man, Karma seems to be really telling you that a grey may be in your future. A glorious cage without a bird in it??????

Judygram is right. Give it time. Be patient. You may see many birds on your quest for this new lifetime friend, be sure you WILL know when it is the right bird at the right time.

Yes, I know these birds Peregrine Falcon. Funny my given birth name is "Falconer".

Good luck on this journey and keep us all posted.

Bruce & Mazy

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thanks for the email fairy!


im still looking for breeders! the amount of rudeness i encountered those 3 days turned me off from some of the breeders here..the moment i mentioned my name is abdullah..jeez i realize im arabic but i wont eat you!....still looking for decent breeders..i might need to look into one in the usa..but shipping is expensive and id rather go see the breeder than have it shipped to be honest not to mention its stressful

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Hey Abdullah, don't ever let people put you off from whatever you want. If they behave impolite, for whatever reason, it is solely THEIR responsibility and they are at fault, making themselves look bad ;)



I am so happy you found a breeder and can start looking out now to having your own bird.

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HI from Charliesmum, i must say whether its a CAG or a TAG its a friend, no matter how your day has been at work or shopping its good to come home and have a friend waiting for you. even if they dont speak to you at first. my grey gets upset when i leave the room and shouts after me, he also wolf whistles i a high pitched tone so i come back and tell him i love him. then we sit and eat together. one thing about greys is that they analyse every move you make and make a note of it too. if i sit before i have has chance to sip my coffee he will say AHHH like ha has had a hard day! they are vey intelligent birds and worth their weight in gold. a grey is the best friend you will ever have.

Hi from the UK.

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