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A new birdy buddy.


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Our first bird is an African Grey, his name is Ozzie, Oswald when he’s naughty. And he’s about a year old, honestly we don’t know if he’s a boy or a girl we just call him, a he because the breeder had a feeling it was a boy. We’re not spending all that money to get him sexed if he ever lays an egg then he’s a boy.


In all honestly he’s my dad’s bird, he’s the one who spent the most time with him. We weren’t allowed to take him out of his cage once he was learning to fly, we’re strongly against clipping wings. He likes me but only in his cage or when I’m sitting on the steps to the upstairs part of the house, I can get him to land on me but I have to take some bites, I really want a relationship with the bird but that’s a story for a different post.


Anyways, my Dad is strongly considering another bird. We want to know who gets along with what, we’re not looking a huge bird like a macaw. Personally I want that’s friendly and cuddly a people bird if there is one. We just want ideas on what would go good with an African Grey, besides another one.

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Well to tell the truth there is not another bird that will go with a grey, not that a lot of us only have our grey and no other birds for we do. I personally have a sun conure and a grey but they have separate cages and do not interact at all, they nip at each other if they get too close.


If you are looking at getting a cuddly type bird then get a cockatoo, they don't call them velcro birds for nothing.


In all likelihood even if you get another grey you won't be able to put them in the same cage and they may not get along at all.

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Re the DNA to learn if you have a he or a she, it only costs about $20 from Avian Biotech in Florida. They mail you a sample card, you clip a toenail to get a drop of blood on the card (bird toweled of course), mail it in, and you have your answer in days. The vets charge a lot more if they get the sample and mail it off to the same lab.


Judygram is right - you never know whether two parrots will get along, no matter what species they are. A friendly and cuddly bird is one that has been well socialized by a good breeder. Remember though that too much cuddling of babies when they get into their new homes can create behavior problems. They need to learn to be independent too. Cockatoos, the velcro birds, are notorious for serious behavior problems when they mature, especially the males.


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Welcome Marri!!


It's nice to have you here. As the others have said, Greys are a species specific Parrot and in the wild only Flock with other Greys, unlike some other Parrots that tolerate various species flocking with and around them.


Another Parrot of your own to interact with, which sounds like what you seem to be wanting. Would be a choice solely up to you to go research, interact with at a close breeder and then make a decision. This would probably not turn out to be a "Buddy" of your existing Grey, but it could be you snuggle Muffin. Conures, which are smaller than a Grey, such as Sun's are real clowns and love to be with their owner.


Looking forward to hearing more from you and perhaps seeing some photos of your Grey. :-)

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We have a Grey, an Amazon, a Cockatoo and a Senegal. Grey's are great birds, very smart, but not all that social when it comes to other birds. They will co-exist with other birds fine. But, to get them to be buddies, usually not.


I can tell you this about Cockatoo's. They are very social birds and they call them Velcro Birds for a good reason. I have one and they will go almost to anyone. They love to be held and cuddled. They thrive on it. If fact they thrive on it so much that if you are not careful they can depend on you for closeness to the point that if you let them they will be stuck to you like glue. And, if you want any time to yourself you need to buy some really good earplugs. Cause they will scream their heads off until you come pick em up. So, if you get one be prepared..........Dont let it train you or your ears will be sorry. They are very much a manipulative bird and if they dont get their way your whole neighborhood is going to know it......they are not a bird you want to spoil even the least little bit.

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I just bought my first bird, a TAG. After some extensive research, but it wasn't my first choice until later on.


Birds I considered because of their personalities, colors, and... well everything else in between. Sun Conures as mentioned above. The only thing that I did not like was not how loud they were, but specifically the pitch of their scream. It was ear ripping to me. But if that isn't a problem, they are great and very beautiful. They aren't great talkers either, but from what I have seen/heard, their personality makes up for it. (Fairly cheap to, ~$300 range)


My next bird though, will be a Senegal Parrot. From what I have seen, I would compare them to the Sun Conure except... Better talker, quieter, and similar playful personality, and of course a higher price tag. Only about $400-500 in my area.


But having no real experience with those birds, I will agree with danmcq. If this is a companion for you, you should have a say in the pick. Now if he's paying for it, he might have the final word. :P

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