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how long out of cage


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hi all ,

just wandering how often and for how long do you let your greys/birds out of their cages , the reason i ask is we let our grey out twice a day for over 30 mins each time , was wandering if this was enough as we have other pets to consider and could not possibly leave max out of his cage .

dave<br><br>Post edited by: mrmacca, at: 2008/01/01 21:36

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Hi mrmaca,


Well, I have read various minimum out of cage times from different sources. Many state 45 minutes to an hour minimum daily. So you are meeting that.


We have Dayo out at least 3 hours every evening on weekdays, sometimes all day if I am working from home. On weekends, he is out all day from 6am to 730pm.


Please do not consider my case the norm though. There is always a happy medium to be found be everyone. Please just make sure that your Grey has plenty of toys to play with that he enjoys while in the Cage. Wooden chew toys really keep them active and entertained.

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Hey Dave,

Happy New Year! I personally let my little darlings out of the cage most of the day. I give them independent cage time from 7:30 in the morning til noon and then the rest of the day they are free to play on thier gym or interact with me. Though many in my family suspect I like the birds better then them:whistle:

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thanks for the replies , we do have lots of toys for max in his cage which he loves, i would love to leave him out , but unfortunately we have a couple of cats and dogs running around and also 2 green cheeked conures that need to be let out , so we can only manage a couple times out a day , but he seems happy enough.


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Is your Grey's cage around all the household activity? That itself would help keep him entertained and feeling part of the family. Some one-on-one attention is needed daily, and after that just being in the same room, talking to him sometimes, etc., is good. A bird who is isolated in a room by himself would not be as happy - these are social creatures.


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yep max is in a room with all the family and can see all of us , so there is always someone in the room chatting to him .

have you any pics of the dogs and parrots together , love to see them , would not trust my 2 jack russel terriers , even though they sit by the cage waiting for max to throw food out to them , dont think im ready to let them be out in the same room.



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we have a gigantic housecat along with our 2 birds (grey and quaker). our birds get out of cage time every nite from the time i get home until bedtime (normally about 5:30-8:30) and most of the day when i am home (weekends, vacation, etc). they each have their playstands and own areas in the tv room, so no interacting between them.


it's certainly possible to have them out with the dogs, you just have to keep a close eye on them. ultimately you know your dogs best and how their behavior/temperaments are, so that is a decision you will need to make.



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I would be very careful with the Jack Russels since they are a breed known to have a very strong prey drive. It only takes a second for a dog to kill a bird.


I do have our three dogs out with our birds (except the Parrotlet, who is newer and flighted), but did a lot of training with the dogs before I trusted them. A lot.


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Mak is typically out from about 8am to 10pm. The only time he is in his cage is to sleep or if we need to go out for some reason. He is usually on one of our shoulders or hanging out on his playstand.


Obviously not everyone has the luxury of being able to leave their greys out all day. We don't have any other pets and someone is usually always home. Your best bet is to read your grey and figure out if his out of cage time is sufficient... If he is anything like Mak, he will let you know :)

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I have a newly aquired Grey. I work from home so I leave her cage open most of the day. I feel confident that she gets plenty of 'out' time so I don't worry unless I will be gone for several hours. I also have two cats that seem to really like her and understand that she is a pet. But I would never leave them unattended alone for a periods of time. I would say if you can safely let the bird out/keep the cage open all day then go for it. It certainly wouldn't hurt as long as the bird is attended to and in a safe environment. I like the fact that my bird can be as much as part of the whole 'family' as much as possible.

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I have a newly aquired Grey. I work from home so I leave her cage open most of the day. I feel confident that she gets plenty of 'out' time so I don't worry unless I will be gone for several hours. I also have two cats that seem to really like her and understand that she is a pet. But I would never leave them unattended alone for a periods of time. I would say if you can safely let the bird out/keep the cage open all day then go for it. It certainly wouldn't hurt as long as the bird is attended to and in a safe environment. I like the fact that my bird can be as much as part of the whole 'family' as much as possible.

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Today I let Mazy out of her cage at 9am after it got light. She refused to shovel the snow and made me do it. So I put her back in her cage at 9:05. At 10am I let her out of her cage but had to put her right back in when she again refused to split firewood. Around 11 I decided to give her some fun time out in the water but she refused to do the dishes so back she went. At noon I asked her if she wanted out for some lunch, and she said

"sure". All she did was make this huge crumbly mess on the counter and floor, ate the last of the chicken and then had the audacity to tell me to clean it up. Needless to say in the cage she went. At 1pm I asked her if she wanted to play a game. She ignored me and put her head under her wing and made a farting sound.

Later dude! At 3pm she is now demanding to come out so she can watch Andy of Mayberry, but she wouldn't let me sit on the same sofa with her, and wouldn't give me a pillow. but I got her ....I switched over to the golf channel. She walked over the top of the sofa and back into her cage. At 4pm she wanted a snack and headed to the fridge without permission so back she went. At 5 it was dinner call, but when she got onto my plate at the counter she was mad at the menu, just laughed and walked back to the cage. At 7pm she wanted a shower but complained about the blow dryer not being hot enough. At 8pm she came out and up to me. I asked, "Now what do yoo want?" She said "I love you" and went back to her cage to bed.....

Just joking...... Mazy can open and close her cage when she wants as it isn't latched, except at night, and when there's too much excitement in the house. Other than that she makes that decision.

Bruce & Mazy

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My birds are out all day they can do pretty much what they want usually they will have breakfast and then a game of catch me if you can flying all over the house from playgym to playgym and boing to boing haveing fun this usually last about an hour then they get tired and usually go back to their cages for a quick snack and a nap. then around 1pm they will usually play on their own in or on top of there playtops and their playgyms beside their cages foot toys that kind of thing around 3pm it snack time and nap time again then some time between 1pm and 4pm each of my birds have 1/2 hour of one on one time with me Adaya is baby so she gets about 2 hours of one on one time before I get the other birds up in the morning from 7am til 930 am Adaya and me play and do recalls and cuddle. then the others get about 30 t0 45 minutes with me each in the afternoon. 3 days a week I leave for work at 430pm so I give them their dinner just before I leave and sometimes they have to go in their cages and somtimes they don't it just depends on weather my daughter is home or not if she's home then she puts them to bed for me if she out then they go in their cages before I leave I get home around 11:30 so they get covered then. I only work 6 hour shifts 3 days a week so most of the time I'm home so they are rarely locked in there cages.

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