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Why does my grey....


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....sometimes sit in his cage (or on his playstand) and sort of hunker down and open up his wings like he's going to fly, but then not fly? He just keeps his wings "open" is the only way I know how to describe it. To me, he looks nervous...but I don't know why he would be. He'll do this at times when no one is even near him.


Thanks! :)

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I'll check that article, thanks!


Judy, he doesn't do much else that's "odd." He's still just a love, we are learning about each other quite a bit. He's got his new cage, which I love especially because it allows me to get to him easier, and he's great about stepping up since he knows it's his way out. LOL


He seems happy, well-adjusted...never freaks out about anything, etc. He took to his new cage in about an hour...loves new toys..and just seems really mild mannered.

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Okay...I laughed at the table too! However...the body language I was questioning said "Cookie" wanted something/to be picked up. I was just steamcleaning my carpets and saw him doing this "thing" he does...so I walked over to see if he wanted to be picked up. He did... and he proceeded to sit on the handle of the steamcleaner (while I used it) for about 15 minutes, and then "flew" home. :) Guess that darn steamcleaner piqued his interest! :)

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