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The Corn Cobb Destoyer


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So I cook a Corn Cobb cut in half. Let it cool. Then give it to Dayo. So what does he do? First He screams when He see's it. Then he climbs down and tears the Corn Cobb to pieces for scaring him. Then He eats the pieces.


This is a BIG FUN Food I see!!! :-)




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Super cute!! If anyone is wondering, there is no need to cook the corn. You can give them fresh sweet corn on the cob and many birds enjoy this. Kip loves it and gets some fresh corn on the cob offered everyday. Sometimes cubed, sometimes I skewer the whole cob and hang in her cage. She makes a lovely mess out of most of it but surely eats some! B) Living in California is great for getting fresh veggies/fruit of all types all year long!

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Yes, the way they grab a bite, violently shake their head and throw pieces across the room is entertaining and messy. I cannot imagine the mess three would make :P But hey, if you have to clean the floor, counter, walls and windows anyway for one, it's about the same work for three, just more stuff in the trash can. :-)


Dayo, for some reason, does not like corn uncooked. So that's why I thought I would try cooking it and viola Big Fun Time began :-)

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Most birds seem to take quickly to corn on the cob. I have fed "wheels" (cut slices) raw, sometimes in the dish and sometimes skewered with other vegetable chunks.


Just keep in mind that corn is not the most nutritious vegetable, so as a part of a varied diet, just fine. Personally I think a whole ear is too much. A one inch wheel at one time is about right for our Greys.


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Oh my gosh Dan he shredded the corn like that?? What a riot! I think I need to get with the program - I cooked the corn and then sliced it off the cob for Bella :S I should have just given her the uncooked cob the way DB sugested! Well! That's why I'm here! To pick up all these little tricks.




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Reta - Your absolutely right. Thanks for pointing it out. :-) We definitely don't want any new Grey owners to think this is a "staple" food. He eats a ton of good veggies like broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, chard's, kale etc. I looked at this more as a "fun" food. He ate very little comparatively speaking of the half a corn Cobb he destroyed.


Terri - Yes, it was a riot watching him and in fact, just may be a good "toy" food to let them destroy while were gone. Just another thing to keep them occupied and exercise while their at it. :-)

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