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Broccoli Rabe


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Hi Guys,


While browsing through the veggie section at the grocery store this morning, I came across something I thought was probably baby Broccoli with lot of leafs and thought "hey, I read the leafy parts have more Calcium and Potassium then the heads". So I picked a bunch up.


Brought it home washed it and through a stalk with leaves and head intact in Dayos cage. he seems to love it. Then I went online to see exactly what poisonous veggie I may have just thrown in Dayo's cage after the fact and found this information on this veggie that is not related to Broccoli at all:


Broccoli Rabe:


A Powerfully Healthy Vegetable. Take one look at the dark green leaves of a bunch of Andy Boy Broccoli Rabe and you can see that this is packed with the nutrients and minerals your body requires to maintain good health. Broccoli Rabe is abundant in Vitamins A and C, the anti-oxidants you need to stave off free radicals. Free radicals are the bad elements that destroy cell walls and cause aberrant growth patterns like cancer to occur. It’s also a good source for potassium and folate.


Here's the Vitamin and mineral statistics:


Total Fat 0g

Saturated Fat 0g

Cholesterol 0mg

Sodium 45mg

Total Carbohydrate 3g

Dietary Fiber 2g

Sugars Less than 1g

Protein 3g

Vitamin A 20%

Vitamin C 50%

Calcium 15%

Iron 6%<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/12/31 19:59

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Thanks Dan for posting this, I have heard of it but I don't think I have ever seen it in the store, sounds good and I assume it would be good for us too, did you try any of it? Can you post a photo of it so we can know what to look for, please Dan.:kiss:

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Thanks Dan for such a quick response to my question, I just love all you members here, so helpful. I can see where they get the broccoli part from, but some kind of leafy greens, I will check on this the next time I go to the grocery store. I am always looking for new things to try.:P

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Ok Guys. I have had this veggie since I was 2 yrs old. I have served it in most of my restaurants. This is close in taste with Collard Greens when steames with Olive oil, garlic, salt and peper. (I use red flakes peper). If boiled the bitter of the veggie will go down the drain.

Cleaning foe eating: Pull leafs off, less the stems, clip off the flower part and disgard the stem. I boil the stems with salt and peper and enough water to cover the stems. Boil slow and let the stems get soft. The juice is good to drink when at room temp. for a ton of vitamins and minerals. An Old Italian thing.


Hemingway likes to eat and play with the veggie when raw.




Its also called Rapini<br><br>Post edited by: nevjoe, at: 2007/12/31 20:47

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Kale and collard greens are both members of the cabbage family, all nutritious vegetables. Kale and collard are different though, not the same vegetable. Both are excellent to feed our birds. I chop my finely as part fo the fresh mix. You also can hang a leaf in the cage, or use a collard leaf (they are large!) to roll up some mash or cooked grains and lentils, like a birdie burrito.


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I grow vegetables for the birds (and for us too) in my small vegetable garden, and besides 2 or 3 kinds of kale, I have collards, dandelion greens (VERY nutritious!), bok choy, arugula, carrot tops, broccoli, plus others at certain times. I even grew a sweet potato for the first time this year that yielded about 25 sweet taters. We're lucky to have a 12 mo. growing season.


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Dan thank you for the tip! I bought some today and Bella chowed down on it!! She loves it! She's being a real rascal this evening, so I don't know if it has something in it to spin them up too (kidding :) )But, I know we're putting this on our list from now on.




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Oh she did Judy - she made a real mess out of it (and she has it in for anything on my clothes this evening so my posts are going to be very distracted! Every time she starts up I give her a rasberry on her belly and I think that spins her up more!)but she really liked it. Jiggy of course had to attack it first - then he watched Bella eat, and then he reluctantly tried it - but he wasn't as eager to eat it as Bellas was.




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