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ATTN: Security of Personal Identity!! NOT


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birdmom wrote:




To dump it off on the member is really irresponsible.

You know perfectly well, and so does Dan, that they do not realize it. I feel you are obligated to be more portective of your members' private information. If not (and obviously you dont care) then, why in the heck should I participate on this forum.There are many other forums.


I will not be on this one any longer.


As I asked before, please remove my registration. Obviously, you did not take me seriously. As long as I can still log in, you have denied my request to remove me from this forum.


I want to be removed now please do it.



I don't remember you asking to be removed. Sorry to see you go but I wouldn't want anyone staying here against their will, so you have been removed now.

Good luck in your further endeavours.

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WEll not much to add that hasn't already been said !


This is a family forum & we are all brought here by one common interest "our greys " As a moderator i feel i dedicate a lot of my personal time to this forum along with all the other Moderators & Admins.We aim to keep the forum running smoothly, welcome new members & offer as much help as we can with our collective knowledge.


At times their is going to be conflict & disagreements that is human nature. Unfortunately it is a shame that certain individuals feel it necessary from time to time to come along & upset the applecart ! We don't need these rotten apples on this forum.If you are unable to act in a mature manner,respect each other as members then you are better off finding a forum that suits your needs.


I think personally we should now get back to what this forum is about, our greys. Lets not carry on as Birdmom has left after stirring up an unnecessary storm & her personal attacks.Goodbye to a rotten apple.


And a happy new year to the rest of you :P

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Geeez, this did take off :-)


I go relax a little in the evening and we have a heated topic I didn't even get to pull my guns out for...darn!!


In all seriousness though. Terri's post was spot on and as everyone else here so well stated. If you don't want it public, don't enter it.


Birdsmom evidently has not visited many other places on the Internet or she would find MANY have the same fields we do for members to enter IF THEY DESIRE TO.


Anyway, glad to see everyone made it through this little wind storm :-)


One thing you never do though, as birdmom did, is post a private PM from someone. That is personal and actually protected by law here in the USA and if Frankie was so inclined, he could actually take her to court over it and win. I have personally seen this occur over an IM being copied and then broadcast to an entire company resulting in a huge embarrassment to the one individual it was intended to harm....They sued and won.


So be careful when copying and pasting private conversations and personal information. It is a crime in many cases.

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Dan, in my opinion it was even worse, it was not a pm she posted but an email exchange and the post contained both parties email addresses and last names. For someone so smart with lots of fancy degrees she certainly lacks some common sense. I might not be the smartest cookie in the package but I feel I make up for that with a little common sense and common courtesy.

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Thanks Dan.


As an FYI to anyone who's not dealt with IT security people before - I'm sorry it was presented to you in such a contentious manner.


IT security, should never be presented to users or system owners in a contentious manner. It should be informative, and should be presented in a manner to create an open environment for communications and an exchange of real information.


This problem is too vast for IT security professionals to handle on our own without the informed help of users and system owners. It needs to be an initiative that involves everyone - i.e. people taking responsibility for their own information. Only then can a safer computing environment be achieved.


I'm sorry I'm on my soap box, but when ever someone ruffles feathers around security, it makes the job of security professionals 10 times harder because then we have to fight negative perceptions before we can have a real information exchange with people.


Thanks for listening (reading??)




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LOL - Judy I did miss an obvious blinder by birdmom. If she was so security conscious, she must have let her guard down during her tantrum and didn't realize what she did to her own security in regards someone wanting to stalk her.


One thing to keep in mind when someone states they have an Masters in one subject. That does not mean they Majored in that field when obtaining their BS degree.


I doubt her expertise in the IT Security field, based upon her statements.


So, she MAY have an MS in IT Security, but it could have been nothing more than just that one year and just understood basics, not the real nuts and bolts behind the scene.


That's why many people get an MS in Business Administration after completing their Major in Engineering for example, it opens the path to perhaps being the CEO someday :-)


One thing I didn't appreciate her doing either, was using me as somekind of reference for her as a backup to her claims. I don't know where that came from. :ohmy:

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LOL Thanks Dan!


You wouldn't believe some of the things I've seen in my time! Unfortunately some of the wierdest things I've seen from my own flippin people!!!


I recall one time our team received a young, bright eyed newbie who was all ready to become a pentester (that is an ethical hacker). He was like an apprentice, so we ketp him away from some of the more lethal techniques until he knew how to get himself back out of trouble once he got into it! I came into work one morning, earlier then usual, and I saw his legs sticking out from underneath my desk and he was working away on my desk drawer. When he realized I had come in, he was so startled he wacked his head on my desk. I asked him what he was doing and he said he was practising some of the techniques he'd read up on to open drawers, but my drawer was giving him such a hard time. I walked over to the drawer, and pulled it open - it wasn't locked LOL!!!!


I also love the one where the toy network (toys - as in hacking tools) crashes, and everyone all of a sudden is studying the lights in the ceiling! I go around and ask - "ok, what happened?" and of course NO ONE touched their computer! Hmm, how did the computers get turned off??? Magic???? LOL!


I've got some stories!




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Not for nothing I have checked out Nychsa on a google search and I see that you are in a couple of other forums and in your profile in every one you have a differant occupation. I think that you are a troll in alot of forums and love to start arguments. What is your true occupation? I think that you are a web booster to get hits on web forums to increase posts so that the owner can get more money for it when sells the forum. This forum is for sale. I think that it is so ironic that only a few days of this forum being listed for sale who comes in Nychsa to start her B.S. A word to the wise check her out before you praise her. SHE IS A TROLL!!!!!


Go to google search and just put her name in and see what you find out.


I know its her because she has some of the same pictures on them as well as here.


She causes trouble where ever she goes. When you go to another forum just ask other members in there forum. As i did they all responded with the same answer she is a trouble maker. And a lier she cant even tell you what her REAL occupation is.

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Boy Ziggy - you really seem to have issues! What kind of person would make up some story the way you have and post it about someone else??? What is wrong with you?


Ziggy - I have no intention of engaging in this level of conversation with you. I'm going to refer this to the site admins.


Have a nice life and know that telling lies about other people can get you in hot water.<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2007/12/31 22:19

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Ziggy - What brought that on? :ohmy:


Nychsa did not start this thread or the issue on it, birdmom did.


Secondly - Nychsa has been writing helpful information and I know for a fact that she is an expert level IT Security Professional with previous contracts working for the DOD. If that's not a good reference, I sure don't know what is.


Why did you come out with this blind side attack and start spewing slander, that is not seemingly true and that you have no evidence of?


Do you know her real name, occupation and Company that she is CEO of? I do and so I would suggest you reconsider your accusations please. :-)

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Dan Thank you.


I rarely tell others that I work in the IT security field as most of the time it is like painting a bulls-eye on your forehead, but I didn't want people here getting the wrong impression about IT Security professionals, or how IT security should be handled. I have no idea what is going on with Ziggy, and as I mentioned in my post to him - I'm simply going to refer this to the admins. They seem to be rather quick in quashing personal attacks and I don't see this as anything other then a blind, personal attack.


Again - thank you.


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Oh dear

I knew from the get go not to put that stuff on there where anyone can see. So why get so out of shape about it?

Hope this is all settled and going to cool down.

BTW shouldn't be moved to like off topic or forum suggestions or somethin?

JM2Cents. :laugh:

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Thanks Spooky - I was baffled by his attack as well, so I did a search on my screen name wondering what on earth he saw - maybe I have an evil twin or something??? All I came up with were posts from AOL and Beliefsnet where we discuss religious texts - ah yes - I'm a Buddhist so... maybe that's the offense? We were also discussing Gnostic texts?? No one there seemed to be upset by it?? My AOL profile does have a different occupation listed - Aspiring Bodhisattva LOL!


It takes all kinds to make the on line world go round!

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LOL I guess it is exotic Spooky! It's a state of enlightenment (but not quite enlightenment) where one's aspirations and thoughts are dedicated entirely to the well fare of all sentient beings - it's a selfless kind of way of abiding. The Dali Lama is a Bodhisattva for example. At least that is how we see him :) Such a person has taken a vow to always dedicate everything they do to others. That's why I say "Aspiring" I have a LONG way to go!!!

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ziggy wrote:

Not for nothing I have checked out Nychsa on a google search and I see that you are in a couple of other forums and in your profile in every one you have a differant occupation. I think that you are a troll in alot of forums and love to start arguments. What is your true occupation? I think that you are a web booster to get hits on web forums to increase posts so that the owner can get more money for it when sells the forum. This forum is for sale. I think that it is so ironic that only a few days of this forum being listed for sale who comes in Nychsa to start her B.S. A word to the wise check her out before you praise her. SHE IS A TROLL!!!!!


She causes trouble where ever she goes. When you go to another forum just ask other members in there forum. As i did they all responded with the same answer she is a trouble maker. And a lier she cant even tell you what her REAL occupation is.


Ziggy, what the heck is going on here. First off you clearly didn't read the Post on RESPECT.. Here's the link again so you can refresh your memory. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/forum-feedback/16967-an-important-word-about-respect.html


Please re read this important thread THEN issue an open forum apology to Nychsa at once. What in the world would cause you to make statements like that against other members here.. And I don't care where she was on the internet or what forums she belongs to. That is not any of our business here. Nychsa has not demostrated any "troll" tendencies here what so ever. In fact her posts are very well accepted and hugely helpful to our site and member base.


Ziggy, you don't know me very well.. I would have rather we had first discussions about other things rather this. But please take my request for an open forum apology for real.. It is clearly needed and expected.


CD<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2008/01/01 14:43

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Ziggy you are perfectly entitled to your own personal opinion but you should think before you put your mouth in to gear ! it appears to me you really have got it in for Nychsa ! I personally have not met Nychsa but we have exchanged personal PM's & i regard her as my friend. Vicious personal attacks on members is not how we like to conduct ourselves on this forum.Nychsa is a valued member of this forum & her input is much appreciated. I'm in total agreement with CD & think a public apology is the correct action to take here.

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Frankie, Tracy, et. al.


I appreciate the support - thank you.



While we're on the topic of cyber security - as an FYI for all (and maybe this really is now going way off topic for the AG threads!) when someone cyberly "follows" someone else around, and makes a point of targeting them, harrassing and slandering them that is cyber-stalking.


Even though cyber-stalking is something that transpires through the electronic airways, it is evoling in case law as an extention of physical stalking and is considered criminal activity.


Recent high profile cases of cyber-stalking (such as the case where the 13 year old girl committed suicide after being cyber-stalked by her neighbor) have placed a renewed level of urgency on curtailing this kind of behavior and providing people with the means to take action and protect themselves.


These pre-emptive measures are notlimited to the U.S. - some of the most proactive laws are coming from overseas, such as Australia and Europe where privacy is highly valued.


Cyber-stalkers often have a misconception of how the Internet works and believe they are operating in obscurity. You should know in protecting yourself from cyber-stalkers that there is no such thing as having a "hidden" identity on the Internet. There are numerous ways to identify who sent what and it doesn't take long to find out.


So, as an FYI - if you do find yourself a victim of a cyber-stalker (and cyber-stalking is characterized as repeated activity, specifically targeting someone, slandering that person, or someone assuming a variation on your name for the purposes of slandering you - any activity that is very specifically designed to terrorize you ) notify your systems administrators immediately.


If the behavior continues, you can notify law enforcement and action will be taken. The proper chain of command is to notify your local law enforcement first, but in general, unless you are in NYC or some of the more larger cities that have a cyber unit, your locals may not know what to do. In that case. Here is a link to the FBI's Internet Crime Unit where you can report it www.ic3.gov. The FBI has very good resources, state of the art cyber crime division and they do take cyber stalking seriously as that is indicative of other criminal behavior. This site also has additional information that can help you protect your kids from cyber crimes as well.



Terri<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/01/01 19:23

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