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can someone please help me with info on african gr


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our african grey is 30 and she has never been with a mate so i do know they can lay eggs and all but what do i do. i am so frightened right now i have had to register 3 times and finally got it right. i am desperate to talk to someone about this. i logged on to other sites and some say take the egg out . others say leave it or she will continue to lay. help!the one she layed christmas day we took out and she seemed to get back to normal. now a few hours ago she layed another 3days apart and she is sitting on it and won't even drink water. so i removed it and she ate , drank and then drove me nuts looking for that egg. what do i do? thanks people for any input... am waiting to hear from any of u. regina . by the way hello everyone .

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Regina: I understand your bird has never been with a mate. Is it correct that there is not a mate now and she just layed an egg on her own? If so, don't worry all will be well. It is in their nature to want to protect and sit on the egg. However with no mate , no fertile and you did right to remove the egg. Do you and your bird have a lovey relationship? Other words, does your bird let you fondle her past her neck to other parts of her body? If so , you may consider stopping, as your bird is treating you as her mate. Does this activity usually come in the evening?

She will get over the egg being gone, but it sounds like you may be able to take some steps to help slow further laying.

Get ahold of Dave007 for more advice. He is one of our best resources.

I look forward to your answers.


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Hello Regina,


You should let her sit on the eggs for 21 days or so. She needs to roost the egg(s). They need to go through he stages of a clutch. She has no idea the egg is not fertile. She has to go through the stages on her own. A grey will lay a egg every 3 days for about 2 weeks. The normal clutch is about 3 to 5 eggs per clutch. She will be fine you need to boost her calcium to produce the eggs and she will not become week or calciun defishent. Natural instincts will take over. Put a cuttle bone in her cage for her to knaw at to get the calcium she needs for the next egg.

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Yes, do let her sit on the egg(s). If you take them away it does stimulate the bird to lay more, and it's hard on their body (calcium depletion) to keep laying. I would suggest talking to your vet about a calcium supplement if the vet thinks it is necessary. You also can include more calcium rich foods in the diet (broccoli, dandelion greens, kale, almond, bit of non-fat plain yogurt, sprouted sunflower seeds).


AFter she finishes this bout of laying, you might want to look at her environment and see if something can be changed to discourage further egg-laying. Some hens are determined, others might respond to day length changes, etc. Please come back and ask once you get beyond this episode!



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to all that wrote me concerning my gorgious african grey i thank you all. what a great site. if anything u guys helped me with being so upset on not knowing what to do. i did get a response from dave 007 and he has instructed me to leave the eggs alone. let her go through what she thinks is nesting and waiting for them to hatch and eventually she will get tired of it and bored and move on. i felt like a mid wife oh geez , i know u guys think i am nuts and i paniced but this was my first. i feel alot better now and will follow dave's input, since many many of u say he is the best. the only problem i am having is she will not even go for her water or any food . thats now my main concern. i have put her water down on the bottom of cage and she did sip. going to dave now and ask about this. its not good for her to just not eat . the only way she will eat is if i take the eggs for approx. 20 min. out and she eats then i put them back and she is the most perfect little mother hen. thanks to everyone on contacting me so FAST! u guys are wonderful. i will be back . regina

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Regina: I'm glad you're having a better day. I even learned something about eggs from the response you got from "Ziggy" and "Reta". I was told by a breeder to take them out after just a few days, but it makes sense to appease their natural instincts so they may stop laying. I'm glad to have this knowledge. I'm glad to see that

Dave007 got in touch with you. He's the BOMB! His experience is priceless to us all, if I may be so bold.

Good Luck

Bruce & Mazy

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