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question on salty snacks


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I haven't read every post in the 'Bird Food' section although I searched a bit so I apologize in advance if this has been covered -

Has anyone found a good cracker-type snack for their greys that do not contain ANY salt? The reason I stress any is because the other day I was at the store and I read every box in the cracker section and the best I could find was 'low salt' or 'low sodium'.

Ned loves corn chips and when I'm eating them I'll give him a couple. I try to rub the salt off of them with my fingers but I'm sure that's not real effective. He mostly chews them up and drops pieces all over the floor as is his way when snacking, but I've often worried if giving him more than 2 or 3 of those is harmful...


Same with microwave popcorn. He loves to tear it up and throw it around and I don't think he hardly eats much of it at all but he sure looks funny with the bits of popcorn all over the outside of his beak!


How about rice cakes? Anyone found anything good with no salt? Are a couple of corn chips too much? Then there is the fat to consider too since they are all fried. I always buy the 'generic' restaurant-style

corn chips like you get at a Mexican restaurant but I'm sure they still have PLENTY of salt.


TIA and everyone have a great and safe NEW YEAR!



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Hey, Mike!

Don't apologize for questions...we're a very patient group!

Minimal salt is ok, I think. I think you are doing the right thing by looking for things with as little salt as possible, and allowing only small amounts of your own salty snacks.

I have not seen anything salt-free as far as crackers in the grocery store, but I have seen them in the pet store.

I hope you have a safe and Happy New Year as well!

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Try a nutrition store. They have no salt crackers. At least they do here where I live. I just bought some yesterday. You might want to try melba toast they are salt free and my birds like it. Rice cakes are good if they are plain. The flavored ones have some sugar added to them for flavor.

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Hi Mike and you're welcome (TIA.)


Well like many, I first gave my bird a chip or a french fry here and there until I thought about all the salt, and I also stopped eating all the salt myself about four eyars ago, so i figured if its bad 4 me its worse for her! I found the blue corn chips usually have less salt... its good you are thinking about that! ;)


But I use brazil nuts and almonds and walnuts for snacks now and a couple a day is enough. A slice of apple is much appreciated or maybe one grape for a snack. You could try Trader Joes for crackers with low salt, altho I havent found any...those water crackers may have lower salt content.


My Buddi she really likes a little piece of pancake with some palm oil and cinnamon on it. Trader Joes makes rice pancakes, they come frozen and I only gave her a little piece about as big as a quarter. You can heat them up in the nuker...Have you found about Red Palm Oil yet? You can get it at Whole Foods. joanne<br><br>Post edited by: birdmom, at: 2007/12/29 08:00

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There is Organic Microwave Popcorn w/no salt no oil put out by Bearitos.You find it in Health Food Stores.It has a website if you can't find it www.littlebearfoods.com. It's in Boulder,Co USA.

I don't know if that will help.I use it for my Eclectus's who are real sensitive to different things.

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Salty foods are not good for parrots, even as snacks. One corn chip to a parrot doesn't sound like much but it is, and is too much in my opinion. Salty foods are on the do not feed list for parrots, any salty food. Much better to find snacks that are parrot healthy and feed them that. There are no salt crackers available. One brand is Wasa or Wasabrot, something like that, European. They come in several varieties, one or more are whole grain. I break them up and put them in the dry mix.


Plain air popped pop corn is fine for parrots - do they still sell air poppers? Microwave popcorn is not fine - even the lower fat kind has too much fat, and all of them have too much salt.


Better to choose healthy snacks - pieces of fruit, nuts (unsalted of course), whole grain bread. Many diseases and health problems of captive parrots are due to poor diets, so best to feed them healthy food.


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Wow! Thanks everyone for all the tips. I have some red palm oil in a little bottle I bought at the bird store but I only tried to put a few drops on some pellet food for him once. He gets fruit and veggies everyday as part of his normal diet.


I'm going to knock off the salt for him until I can get to a health food store or someplace where I can get salt-free crackers and popcorn. Thanks to everyone again for such quick replies!


Have a safe and very Happy New Year!


/Mike & Ned

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