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Old Bird, New Flight


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One month ago I asked the forum how to train an older grey who has always been clipped and never flown, to fly. Mazy is a 13 yrs. old CAG and always been clipped.I received invaluable information, especially from "Dave007" (Definitely a guru)

The key truly is patience and consistency. I have now been working with Mazy for a month and she has learned to pull up to stop instead of crashing into a wall or other objects. She takes off my hand and flys to the couch and to her cage top. The distances are short but we increase them as we go. We are working up to landing with precision on a perch and making good progress.

Greys do require a lot of attention and patience when training and thanks to folks such as Dave and all the others on this site who have been so helpful, we can all gain and become better bird owners.

Thank again Dave007

Bruce & Mazy

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Glad to hear that things are going smoothly. You and he have broken the ice. Things should go more consistantly now. He's got courage, confidence and a landing area. Just use baby steps. Take your time. Pretty soon, your bird will be telling you that he can accomplish more than you think he can. His confidence and your patience is the magic formula here. So far, the blend is the right consistency. Good luck.

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Thanks all,I've been a little absent as we sent our 2 laptops off for work and now are back online. All 5 kids are home for several weeks. Funny how they demand as much attention as our birds do. Sub freezing temperatures and 3 more feet of snow in 2 weeks and I've had plenty to do. My backhoe and I have become one in the snow plowing zone.

I'm back

Bruce & Mazy

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