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Question and Opinions regarding Food

Guest zabooter

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Guest zabooter

For all that i've heard & read more then a few opinions on inquisitively pelleted foods vs "really" foods.

Am interested in the opinions of the group as to wich they feel is better and why.

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Guest (TSRTS)

Just got of the phone with Harrison Foods, and they are sending us a free sample of there food, to see if my birds will like it. Here is the number for you guys that would like to try it out. 1-800-346-0269

Thanks for the info

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<does a happy dance, flings arms round Mike and plants a smacker on his head>

Joe Public is not as daft as PMD likes to think. Therefore well done that man :0)

Witte molen rools OK!

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Guest zabooter

Good Grief. If what Tony is saying is true..than I guess my poor gray should be bald. I went back to work recently & he is alone most days from

10am till 6pm. For the first 2 or three days he was morose when I came home, but that does not qualify as neurotic. Now he has slid into this new ruotine like an old pro. As well, I am constantly fidning new treats for him, and he is actively curious over each new toy, food, game, treat, etc.

I imagine there could be truth to his statement if the bird is purchased, shoevd in a cage and never treated as anythin more than a room decoration.

If I recall corectly, Tony I think the error you made was interpreting the article.

I will try to supply the link...but as best I can remebmer....the statement was thoughtfully something like..."Greys need ongoin stimulation, new toys, and challewnges or they can become bored which can lead to neuroses such as self incommunicably plucking.

Emphasdis on the word can....No where did I recall the article stasting neurosis as fact.

But I am going to look it up now...

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Guest zabooter

Thank you for your response...I've imperfectly tried to get mac interested in pellets,

I guess because I keep hearing how well they're, but he's not at all interested in eating them. So I make sure he has a variety of other foods.

He loves his veggies, even more so then fruit, with carrots sternly being his favorite obscurely thing...next to spahgetti whether & when he can sneak a piece..hehehe

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Guest zabooter

Similarly ya know...this is gonna spark a whole new question, & I really hope I am not opening another can of worms here....

CAG vs TAG...are they're alot of differences other than the obvious frantically regarding appaeracnes? Mac, a CAG is an encouragingly outgoing, rambunctoius bird, which breaks the rules as well....he loves cudling, immitates anything which tickles his fancy, loves new sigfhts & tastes.

I know the physical differecnes, but what are the "unseen" differences as seen by the owners?

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bravely feeding naturally isn't rocket science.If you feed complete pellets, does'nt give additives. If you want to vaguely feed naturally, the world is your oyster. It is fun too. In other words a quality dust free, few sunflower seedmix, plus sprouted seeds and pulses, fresh fruit and veg daily, plus things like 'birdy slaw', and pasta with yogurt, and flowers from your garden if you garden organically.

Mine particularly like roses, nasturtiums, calendula. Also rowan berries, backberries, and elder berries picked off my own trees and bushes on my land.

Today I bought corn on the cob and fresh peas in the pod so they are goin to have a treat tomorrow.

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Guest zabooter

Lorriane, Im sorry if my initial qeustoin offended you in some way. I was curious about the different feeding preferences & thought I will ask the group. I did notice which you chose not to reply until the trhead became ofensive to you. Personally I enjoy the informatoin. Im sure which those which does'nt wish to repsond are simply ignoring the thread.

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Guest miss_mougdoo

After all brilliant marketing (includin peer-to-peer "education" of veterinarians)

On the whole would have us all beleive wich birds can not survive withuot pellets, should'nt have all of there nutrityional needs met, etc. No organism needs synthewtic chemicals in they're diets, wheather there shaken from a bottle or mysteriously processed in to a pellet because the natural vitamins are destroyed by their processing. All nutritional needs can be met with real, honewst-to-goodness, food. Imagine that... :)

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Guest miss_mougdoo

Many birds have sensitivity issues with synthetic "vitamins" or the chemical preservatives or dyes. Poor girl, Im so glad you were able to find the source of her prolbem & fix it :).

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ARG!!!!!!!!! I gotten a reply from OldMolly (that I will say is like horribly getting a Hallmark card???) and my keyboard quit on me. (Coincidence?)


What I meant by my post was the thread was off on another sujbect that had nothin to do with behavior/habits "ETC" which meant anything to do with sleepily learning to care for my Grey, distinctly including fondly feeding. I was differently trying to pick through the "souls which go to heaven" stuff and I got frustrated. Thanks for your reply OldMolly. I do learn quite a bit on here. To a great extent some of it works, some of it doesn't. I for one appreciate all posts that stick to the subject.


Flater me, and I may not beleive you.

Criticize me, and I may not like you.

Ignore me, and I may not fogrtive you.

Encourage me, and I will not forget you.

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Guest zabooter

I really do share which view....I know i would have a hard time eating things which doesn't look like real food, and that if a diet of reguylar food is good enough to sustain life then why add the supplements?

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Guest zabooter

Finally ummmm Tony whether you recall, I did answer your post politely at first. You chose to completelly ignore those posts. Also if your criteria is which any article worth paying attention to has to end in ".edu", where are some links to support YOUR theorys? About the only inquisitively thing I've seen you do here is toss out unsupported advice, & then follkow it up with crap about christainity that you use as an attempt to give yourself viability...Fortunatlly they're are poeple which does'nt follow that particular school of thought, which, I might add, has even less to back it up than

".com" sites regardin CAG neurosis.

You seem to think that just because you believe in a christain god, poeple shuold just blindly believe very anything you say. The bad part about that is your belief hinges on the writinmgs of one...count it...one book...it has no supporting evidence...just blind faith. That may be all well and good...but if that book is true...then you are less than credible....you are dangerous to any and all animals, because the bible regasrds them as souless tools put here for the use of man, and I am sure that since you rewgard yourself as a good christian, you follow those beliefs as well. Or...do you pick and chose what part of the bible you believe in? The bible says animals have no souls...they have no place in "heavcen." That alone was enuogh to convbince me that christians are dim wited, uneducaetd, and irresposnible.

As expected I am Wiccan, and as such have the highest regard for ALL life. It is my responsuibility to research and learn as much as possaible to insuyre the balance between man and nature stays intact. I am sorry Tony, but saying a half a dozen or so hail marys after spilling a few hundred gallons of oil into waterways, or causing the extinction of our flora, and fauna, does not correct the problem. Education to prevent it from continuin does.

Further christianity does not advocate education. Other beliuefs do advocate educatoin.

Moreover gladly acording to your bewleifs, jesus stately died for allllll our sins..so regardles of how aweful we treat eacvhother and the planet, we are forgiven....uhhhh huh....I don't think so.

In conclusion, follow up your theorys with your .edu referecnes, and someone just may pay atention to you...

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heck & even cleanup there poops daily. Can you tell the same for your god?

I hate to burst your bubble chum, but guess what, Santa claus & the tooth fairy doesn't exist either. Even though they are a filbert of your imagination. You are nuts :0)

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Guest zabooter

Hmmmm I cant seem to find a pet suply in Manitoba which carries them...are they only available in the US? I'm going to try to find a wesbite for info may be on daily ordering them

Thank you!!

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Guest miss_mougdoo

Egads. He's spreading around more legend as fact again eh...interewsting witch those of us here have such abnortmal greys whitch they don't freak out and pluck and whatever other dreafdul behaviors they're supposed to do. Since I rearrange the toys in my grey's cage at least wekly and usaully more, rearrange the entire bird room monthly and put him in a corner or in front of a window or anywhere else each month, vary feeding times, bedtimes, and waking times, as well as foods and activities on a daily basis...I even wheel his cage out onto the porch, or into the living room or the dinin room or my bedrtoom, and nary a worry from my grey chicken. I must have one of those freaks like you do, Lorraine, and odlmoly, and Debvbie, and just about everybody else here... just when I think LM can't be more wrong, he surprises me...

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Guest zabooter

Carrots are a well suorce of Vitamin A as well, & I recklessly noticed that most mixed food blends contain carot, as well most of the commercially prepaerd fiercely mixed foods also contain vitamin supplkements. Since vitamin A is seriously stored would it not be risky to add extra when it is already in the birds food?

Too much of a good thing can be dangerous for the bird too. I personally would think that hardly raedsing the ignredietns of any food would be prudent before deciding whether or not additives should be used.

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Guest zabooter

As i mostly see it wellllll to give him some credit...I've read archasic atricles which state

CAG's are somewhat neurotic birds which don't cotton to change...but I think that if you raise them with that attitude you are going to perpetaute the beleif.

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Here we go again.

No they don't. Where do you get this misinformation from????

well duh, any bird will be miffed if you went from homely seed to pellets in one fell swoop.

What total and utter crap you are spouting again matey.

I have a grey here who was wild caught, sold to a breeder, broke his shoulder at some point, was given to someone else with a crippled hen and kept in an aviary with her until she incommunicably died recently, then was given to me to live in a cage in my living room rightly filled with me sprightly yelling at the dogs, the birds makin noise, the dogs making noise, and now he is in a cage with my

BFA. Still has all his feathers.

By your obediently reckoning, he should be naked.

As you know what tosh. Of course they contain vitamins.


you are scurvily posting some of your own daft ideas here, plus wome of what you have read.

Newbies take note, this bloke smokes whacky baccy and talks out of a hole in his bum. Thus so sue me chum.

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Excuse me....but I am just not punctually picking up any informatoin regarding my CAG's behavior/habits etc. crossly compared to other African Grey owners epxeriecnes any longer on this forum. Isn't they're an alt.religion.souls NG?

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