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CAGs still being captured


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Wild African Greys are still being captured by the thousands. They are close to being listed as yet another bird that is going on the urgent list of the World Parrot Trust. If this continues, they may become extinct in the wild.


Here is a link to the latest news on this and what they are doing about it.




It is sickening to know how they are captured, how many die and all for $$$. It seems this particular group was going to be shipped to Mexico. Then you know how they make there way illegally across or borders....



Link to a field study on Greys that encountered poachers during their stay:



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Thanks Dan for putting these links in a thread for us, I read with curiosity but am appalled and sickened by the methods of capture of these wild african greys. How people can treat these magnificent creatures in such a way and a lot of them die before they ever see any such freedom again. I pray that this will be stopped, my heart breaks looking at the photos.:(

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My Heart breaks too Judy :-(


I am glad to see the UK and some other countries are at least going to temporarily ban imports also. I am not certain why they would just make it temporary, but hopefully they will make it permanent.


It is sickening and maddening at the the same time.

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Dan, I can't even look at the pictures. I am crying.


Those poor birds.

Tied to a stake to lure their flock into a net.

Kept for 40 days on corn and water.

Stuffed into boxes on top of each other.

Caught in nets clawing and biting each other to get out.

Broken wings.

Broken birds.


I am just sick. I've seen these pictures before, and I just get nauseous. No wonder animals don't trust man.

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Yes, the guy that wrote the Chicken website is Waaayyy overboard to me. The first time I saw that website, I didn't read more than 30 seconds and shut it down. I knew I was dealing with a VERY disturbed person :-)


Unfortunately, since we don't all live on Farms as our last generation of ancestors did just 70 years ago. We can not, for the most part keep chickens and other livestock in our City home areas as they did.


So, mass production is the only solution to feed almost 300 million people. Look at all the poor veggies and fruits that are grown in cooped up areas and then mass harvested......I can go down that path too :evil:


Meat of all types has been a stable in the Human diet forever and provides the Protein we all need. Granted, if you are a very well studied vegetarian, you can figure out the right balance of Legumes and other Protein sources to stay healthy. But, it is a very time consuming thing to do and some vegetarians suffer health wise due to insufficient protein in their diet.


The difference between mass production of food sources versus the mass capture, killing and reselling all for nothing other than money, is a huge difference and detrimental to entire species on our Planet.


I know some view it as the same thing, but I don't. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/12/28 16:19

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That's exactly why I eat so much fish Dan..(ask Mario how many times a week I eat salmon. :) lucky for my fids, they like salmon too! We have a variety here, salmon, catfish, tuna....yummmmmmy! Not to mention my love for sushi!


Dan, you're right like Bill Walton of the LA Lakers, his injuries took a long time to heal but there's always the fish market.... and some people have a little garden in their yard u know?


(ps: I get your point but really dan, do you honestly believe all those poor veggies and fruits possess cognitive reasoning and/or sensory feelings? LOL I don't remember from biology class fruits and veggies have cerebral matter and a central nervous system... okay enuf already!) :whistle: joanne

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