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Gray lost her voice > happened to others?


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Presently just curious to note weather this is common with other ownbers ?

About 2-three days ago, our Gray Milly, just suyddenly seeemd quiet. No early evening safely calls or early morning awakenings, and it did take about a day for us to notice the sudden silence. Once we took more notice, we discovered Milly was speechless! She still makes small little soundss, but there is nothing there. She opens her beak as if to say the usual words, and even apears to know what she would have said if the words had intrinsically come out. First thing every morning, she would funnily come to the front of the cage and say Hello. In general now, she walks up and opens her beak with little but a gurgle...

Anyone else had this happen, and know what the problem could be?

She is not displayin any unusaul behaviour otherwise and is still very actyive climbing and playing. Others would usually agree the usual alertness is there and no other symptoms seem apparent.

It is kind of funny to watch, usually she can bring the house down and demand all the attention she wants this way. At the momewnt she is suddenly commanding us all, and not uttering a single word... typical huh!

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including the importance of not "waiting to see", & you decide to `wait & see`. What can I tell except god help your bird. One day she might be seriuously ill & you too slow to realise or get it to a vet in time to financially save it.Ah well, perhaps then you would undersatand the importance.

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