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From Charlie


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Thanks sooo much for the warm welcomes. I will be posting a pic soon.

Actually, its only my 4yr old son that calls Charlie 'mr pickles' cos he loves pickles and often lets Charlie chew on it with him.

Luckily, Charlie responds to both names.

I have had Charlie since he was an egg with a breeder.

I have had him since egg! but only brought him home at 12 weeks.

Weaning went well but it got to a point where he just rejected his pellets (wont even touch them now)

I am concerned cos he hasnt taken to eating frsh fruit and veg - no matter how attractive i make them look, he still wont eat it. Any ideas?? He initially didnt like water, but now he's being good.

OH, i must mention...he mumbles and grumbles like an alien (says something in one tone and answers in another!!) so looks like he wants to start talking...

So, how can i get him to start veggies?

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He is still very young Shaq. Just keep cutting up different vegetables like carrots, broccoli, green beans, Spinach, Mustard Greens and anything else you can think of and present them to him everyday. You can also try cooked veggies verses raw and see if he has a preference.


It will take time, but he will pick at them and start eating them sooner or later.

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Try giving him a little cooked oatmeal with some baby food vegetables in it, I spoon feed Josey that every morning and she loves it. That way you are getting at least a little veggies in him.


Offer the veggies raw, cooked, shredded, mashed, cubed, sliced and whatever form you can think of, maybe he will like them one way over another.

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