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Doesn't want to go to his home.


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Cosmo is doing very well. I use to worry about him not wanting come out, well that is out of the question now. He will come out any time, though it is getting aggravating putting him up to go to bed or if I have to leave the house. He will climb up my arm when I try sitting him on his perch and sit there till he can make his escape to my shoulder. He doesn't bite me or anything he just doesn't step down to his perch. I don't want to make him mad, but I don't want to be too easy on him either. What should I do?

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That's natural behavior Jimmy. As far as I know, any living thing that is going to be caged up for a while, will of course resist. :-)


You just go ahead and place him down in the Cage. I have this problem with Dayo too, when it's not bedtime and I need to put him in the cage to either leave or I am going to do something around the house that does not permit me to watch him.


Just have him step up, clasp his feet with your thumb between your fingers so he cannot climb up your Arm and place him down in the bottom of the cage and let go.


Hope this helps.

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I always giggle to myself when someone verrrrry new complains that their bird doesn't want to come out. Because if they're anything like Klaus, in a short time the big issue will be getting them IN!

Klaus knows the schedule. On weekend mornings he gets to come out while I have my coffee & read the paper (about an hour) then I give him breakfast, which is incentive enough to go back in. This way I can do chores & do grocery shopping, etc. On weeknights (and nights in general), he's out from the time I get home until the time I go to bed. I dim the lights and begin talking to him softly about how it's night-night time. I give him approx 257 pets and fuss over him while he sits on my shoulder. Eventually I get him to step up on my finger (this usually takes several attempts as he does NOT want to go to bed). Then quickly slip him in his cage, using the other hand to gently block him from climbing back up my arm. If I need to do this process in a hurry, I can usually coax him in with a treat (show it to him, then put it in his dish so he has to go get it).

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Yeah, I remember when Jimmy was complaining that Cosmo didn't want to come out of the cage and now he is complaining that Cosmo won't go back into the cage, is there no pleasing Jimmy, LOL, I'm just poking fun at ya Jimmy:laugh:


I don't have a problem with Josey, I just put her in when it is time and she is no problem, but just wait, now that I have bragged on her things will be different.:blink:

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hi there,


I think I have a solution for this. I hope this may help you to place your bird back in his cage, I too know that trick of climb back up your arm, or they back climb up the cage door and don't let you close it. :)


Here is what I learned to do when I place my bird back in her cage at night:


I put her onto a perch that is in the middle of the cage running across the length of the cage. I open the door and move her fast right down under the perch from below it and behind it --and then up quickly.


As I move my hand up and forward from beneath the perch so that the bird's ankles touch it, I give a a step up command at that moment, and the bird must step forward off my hand onto the perch. If she doesn't I move my hand down slightly about 1/2 inch and then her tummy will touch the perch, they always step off then. With a little twist of the fingers it works every time.


Coming from under and behind the perch like that, they get confused because they see you in front of them so they don't think to turn around and grab your arm to hitch a ride out --because they are looking forward at you thru the cage door. Just be quick before they have time to think. It works every time for me. Good luck!

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