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Hi everyone My name is Ian. I am new to the forums i have a CAG named DUKE. He is 6 years old and I have had him since he was a couple months old I had to . I was 14 when i got him so if you do the math that makes me 20. And like a lot of 20 year olds i am at college. So the past 2 years I havent been able to show him as much attention as he deserves but thanks to my family they have been taking care of him while im away. Good news is next fall i will be moving into my new house and my landlord is allowing me to have him there with me. I already talked to my roomates and they are ok with him and are all really looking forward to having him with us. I just hope that Duke will be able to adjust to moving into a new house and meeting new people with out a lot of problems. Well thats about it so.... hope you all had a merry christmas

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Hello and welcome to the family, Ian, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Duke. I know you are going to love it here just like we do.


So Duke is 6 years old and you have had him since he was a couple of months old so he is already reached sexual maturity then hasn't he? You could probably give us some insight into this phase of grey ownership as a lot of us have younger greys, mine is 19 months old now.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and if you have specific questions you would like to ask feel free to do so. We will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of Duke you would like to share with us we would love to see him.


You don't happen to be going to Duke in North Carolina do you, I thought of them when I saw your screen name, I know they are called the Blue Devils.

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Thanks everyone. First i want to say sorry for posting this in the wrong section. I thought i was in the new members one. But andway I wish I go to DUKE university but I dont. Its been a dream of mine since i was very young to play basketball there but that never happened. Instead i decided to go to Pennsylvania college of technology in Williamsport PA. I have just wrapped up my second year there and i currently on break so im trying to make up some lost time with Duke. During the regualar school year i try to come back atleast once a month but with gas prices the way they are and me not having a job it makes it hard to afford coming home more often than that. But when i come home Duke starts going crazy with enjoyment. While im gone tho my family does a good job showing him as much attention as they can. Since i have been at school Duke has really started to show more love for the rest of my family. He even Regurgitated on my sister yesterday to all our surprise. So even though im at school i believe he is just as happy as when im there.

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Don't worry about posting in the wrong section, one of the admins can move it.


Duke University is my favorite college for basketball, I love watching them play, I especially loved it when Grant Hill was there.


If Duke goes crazy with excitement when you do come home then he is bonded with you and knows you love him and that is great that the rest of your family loves him too. I believe when you are able to have him with you all the time he will be one happy little grey.:P

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It sounds like Duke is doing well. Especially if he's regurgitating on your sister. he must love your entire family very much.


Of course, even though you are gone for long periods. He has displayed his love for you is eternal and unconditional. That is a very rare quality in a CAG, from some horror stories I have read of people just leaving for a week and coming back to a really pissed-off CAG. :-)0

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Duke: I got my CAG Mazy 13 yrs. ago freshly weened. I was the one she bonded with for her first 6 years. When I got divorced and was spending more time at sea, ( I'm a commercial fisherman in Alaska) Mazy lived with my former for the next 6 years. As with you anytime I saw her she was excited to see me. No matter how much time went by. Now I'm off the ocean more and home to be able to be a consistent bird owner. Mazy had to make the move from her only known home to a new one in a different town (traveling up by ferry) and when she got into her familiar cage in a new environment it didn't take her long to be content with the fact that I'd be around and her primary caregiver. That's the security she's interested in.

I'm sure you're bird will adjust fine as long as you're there.

One word of advice keep her in her cage with door closed whenever there are new people cruising through, especially at those college parties. The bird will like the excitement but need the security of knowing nobody will invade it's space.

Bruce & Mazy

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Duke will be living in the living room most of the time. My room is downs stairs so when there are a bunch of people over i will be rolling his cage into my room and probably locking the door behind me to make sure no one can bother him. One of the thing im worried about is Duke picking up the bad language. Everyone knows no to swear around him but things slip out even with me.

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You are going to have to be careful to not use that foul language around him for he will pick it up so do your best to keep that in check as much as possible.


I hope this works out good for you, if you handle it properly it should work out just fine. Keep us posted as how it goes.

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