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Human Sugar


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Is the sugar that we put in coffee, and cooking harm African Greys in any way, over consumption? I recently had a glass of Kool-Aid on the counter, I do not know why this is the first time, but He decided to check it out, and I can not keep him away from it. I only let him have a small amount, because I didn't know how much he could handle. I know these birds need sugar, but usually the kind found in fruits and stuff. Any insight is Great, Thank You!



Bird: Millie

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Well I know that we are to avoid giving them anything with added sugar in it and that would include Kool-Aid. They get enough natural sugar that is found in foods but mainly fruits. I would discourage him from having more than just a sip now and then, certainly not an everyday indulgence.


I see this is your first post, why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little about yourself and your grey.:P

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Welcome upesleja!!


Judy is right on, there is too much sugar in drinks such as cool-aid, soda etc.


CAG's are not a a variety of Parrot that needs high sugar intake like of species that have diets consisting of mainly fruits, rather than seeds and vegetables.


In fact, they really do not need sugar at all. You haven't done anything detrimental to your Grey. But as with all things, if you are going to let them have something, it's always best in moderation.


We'll look forward to hearing more about you and your Grey. Why don't you introduce yourself and your Grey and even flock :-) in the welcome room?

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Thank you for all the help everyone. I did not mean to sound like this was something I planned on treating him too everyday, however like I said, I always let my pets eat what I eat, and do what I do. Im not your typical care taker, I live for my animals, and thus I let them do things and get away with things that most would freak out about. However, you can ask anyone, my pets are the most well behaved, and perfect things out there, except for Millie, my Grey. I got him from an abused home, and he ONLY warms up to me, and lets select people pet him. We are working on this :-) He's still young, so I think I saved himin time. I will get into this more when I make a introduction post in the welcome page.


Once again, Thank you all for the advice, and Ill talk to you all a little later (in the welcome forum)


~Brian Upesleja

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I think it's best not to give tastes of "junk food" to our parrots. It encourages them to want more, and they really shouldn't be having that kind of food at all in their diets. Here's an idea ;) - how about you switching from Kool Aid to some kind of pure juice (no extra sugar added)? Then your Grey could have a little sip!


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Yep, in fact, i don't call it human sugar, its also verrrry bad for humans. Its known as white refined sugar.


Until man started refining white sugar and sold it all over the world, there was no such disease known as Diabetes.


We have white refined sugar to thank for that. (and cavities in our teeth.)


I haven't even bought any white refined sugar since I learned that about five years ago; if I need sugar, I buy the raw cane sugar, or I sweeten things with natural maple syrup.


I am now using Stevia in my coffee, don't know if its safe for birds yet.

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