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Hello everyone,


I just found this site and wanted to say hello. I have a CAG that I bought as a baby just after he had been weaned off hand feeding. His name is Ned. He's a great bird. I got him on February 27th this year, so I haven't even had him a year yet. His hatch birthday was October 7th.


I just turned 55 and I am a pipeline maintenance technician.


I just had a very scary, hair raising adventure with Ned and I think he's OK. I'll post that to another area on the forums. Suffice to say I'm still lucky to have Ned.


Season's greetings to all on this site! It's a very nice BB system and the look and feel is really nice..



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Hello and welcome to the family, Mike, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Ned. I know you are going to love it here just like the rest of us do.


So you have had Ned for close to a year now, I imagine he is a delight to have, I know mine is an amazing creature that I wonder how it took me so long to get one.


I am curious about this hair raising experience you had recently and I look forward to hearing all about it when you post it.


Since you have had him for awhile you probably already know all you need to know but read thru the many threads for lots of useful information, we all here are learning something new every day it seems so you never know what you may find out.


If you have a picture of Ned you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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Hey Mike & Ned:

I read your story and my heart was pounding and then relieved at the end. My birds are flighted and we have double artic entries in our Alaska home. Big signs saying "CLOSE DOOR"

Glad you're here and look forward to hearing from you and Ned. I'm a 51 year old commercial fisherman. Us old guys gotta stick together.

Bruce & Mazy

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Welcome Mike and Nedward Norton!


Hey Bruce-- whats all this talk about being old?


Didnt u hear, 50 is the new 40? :laugh: I'm right behind you and I am planning to work as long as I can in fact, I am getting another degree right now!


Mike, nice to meet you! I read ur story about Ned, what a relief! Whew, how is he doing is he okay?


Like Bruce I am #$!!%$# about open doors. But I've been called over-protective. I figure if I don't protect them who will...they are clueless in our world!


Sometimes I'm clueless in this crazy world too. :unsure: Well good luck and hope to see more of you and Ned.

Birdmom aka Joanne<br><br>Post edited by: birdmom, at: 2007/12/29 07:47

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Thanks for the warm welcome from everyone - Bruce and Birdman - great to hear from you guys. Heck flying outside in unknown territory at 32 degrees can't be half as dangerous as commercial fishing in Alaska! You've got my sincere respect, Bruce.


Ned is just doing fine and showing no worse for the adventure, just singing up a storm and throwing his food all over as usual. He seems very happy and life is good.


Happy New Year to you all!



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