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Harrison is our source of entertainment around here. She's learned to say "What?!"... after we say something, it's not everytime, but quite often. She says it with such expression...like she's thinking "what the *&^% did you say? I can't hear you!" Or "What? I can't believe you just said that!"...she's so funny...just thought I'd share...



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Thats cute heather. Harrison will learn more things to add on to it.....


Charlie started with What? Now he does Whhhhattttt? in a whisper. And What what what what waht? and then he shakes his head its hysterical. He also says What are you doing? in a whisper... its sooo cute especially when he wants to see if I'm up yet in the morning.


Happy new year!

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Thats funny Heather, for "what" was one of the first words that Josey said and still says often for me, thanks for sharing that with us Heather. I think Josey is trying to imitate the laugh of SpongeBob Squarepants, she has been doing these funny noises and it is similar to that laugh and my grandkids have been here and have had the TV on that program, LOL, she is so funny sounding, I get a kick out of it everytime I hear it.:blink: :laugh:

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