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merlin throws a scare into mamma!


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so about a week or so ago i wound up with a miserable atomic sinus infection. i even went to the clinic which is something i only do under great insistence by big daddy.


well along with that went a huge case of laryngitis which lasted an entire week! during that whole time the best i could do was a little whisper. lots of coughing too.


well you can imagine what ol' merl has now picked up! big daddy was outside my office and "heard me coughing" although he knew for a fact that i was in bed. it was merlin imitating my coughing. well we thought it charming and funny and left it at that.


yesterday my voice finally started coming back consistently (beyond the croak it had been the day before) and i was up in the office working away, talking to merlin who seemed happy someone was again answering his little ooots and oodle-oos.


then while he was giving his toys hell (which is when he is most vocal) i heard him in some sort of respiratory distress! oh man i start thinking where can i take this guy on christmas day! he'll never make it to the avian vet 2 counties away! oh man oh man oh man...


...til i realized he was now imitating my whisper!


rascal! but what a relief i can tell you what.

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hi sandra, my birds too clear their throats or sniffle and it's because of hte same thing I usually get a sinus infection once a year. Luckily not yet but i've had a cold during the holidays and Buddi keeps coughing and sniffling becuz she hears me doing it. Once I stop it, she usually stops it. It gave me a scare the first time tho! hope you are feeling better soon and hve a happy new year. birdmom

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Thanks for sharing that story with us, Sandra, and I have seen this in Josey myself, she does imitations of sneezing, coughing and such other sounds she hears, in fact right now she does an imitation that is like an owl call, I don't know where she picked that up.:P

But they certainly can keep us entertained.

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