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Hello all,


My husband (Steven) and I are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Smokey(CAG, approximately 15 years old), whose scheduled to join our home this Saturday.


Smokey has been living with my husband's grandparents for the last 4 or 5 years. Over the course of the last year, Steven has become increasingly concerned that the conditions the bird has been living under, are less than ideal. (She spends the bulk of her time caged and alone in a screened-in enclosure.) From what I can gather, her diet has consisted of primarily seed and fruit + egg shells. I've only seen her on rare occasions, however, she does seem quite taken with my hubby.


I've been researching the subject of AGs over the last week and frankly, am a bit freaked out at this point. I have zero experience with birds. We own 3 cats. I understand that Smokey will require a great deal of attention and patience, particularly during the transition of trying to adapt to a new home. I'm concerned about her diet. I was considering trying to introduce her to pellets with the addition of veggies + the fruit she's accustomed to. We purchased a bird 'gym', plan on introducing her to some new toys and have scheduled an appointment with a local vet for an exam next week.


Any suggestions as to what we might consider to make this process easier for her? Are there any hard and fast rules as to bathing, dietary supplements, etc?


Any words of wisdom are much appreciated - Thanks!


Jenny<br><br>Post edited by: JennyJ, at: 2007/12/26 16:00

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Welcome Jenny!!


It's great to hear you and your husband are going to re-home this wonderful Grey Smokey. Your doing the right thing in researching the various aspects that owning a Grey requires. The diet, as you have said, should contain seeds, pellets, plenty of veggies and fruit.


The first thing you will need to do, is to purchase a large cage for Smokey and place it in the most frequented room by your family so He will know he is part of the flock. It sounds like you are already going down this path, since you have already purchased a play-gym. :-)


When you first bring him home, it will take a few days or weeks for him to adjust to his new home and flock. The great thing is, your Husband has already started establishing a good relationship with Smokey, as you should try doing also before bringing him home.


Does he know the step-up command to allow you to easily remove and place him back in his cage? If not, this is the first and foremost thing to teach him.


Supplements are not needed as long as you provide a good diet of veggies, fruits,pellets, seed mixes etc.


Bathing can be accomplished in a few different ways such as taking them in the shower with you, purchasing a shower perch for them or using a spray bottle filled with Aloe Juice which will sooth and moisten their skin and remove the white dust they produce.


You can find in-depth articles on our forum by doing a search for bath, aloe, etc. for topics you wish to explore. Of course, all of us are more than happy to answer any direct questions you may wish to start a topic on. :-)


Welcome to our Forum and Family here!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/12/26 17:09

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Hello and welcome to the family, Jenny, glad you and Steven could join us and I know you are going to like it here just like we do.


Congrats on taking in a rehomed grey, I commend you on taking on an older bird, that is not an easy task sometimes but with your husband's love and attention Smokey should thrive.


Dan has already given you some excellent advice, a new cage in the central hub of your home is the best place for her, she needs to be around the family and be included in everyday activities.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information that will answer some of your questions, and we will help you in any way we can.


You have done the right thing in finding out all you can about greys for they are different from other parrots but are so rewarding in so many ways that I am sure you will be finding out soon enough.


If you have any pictures of Smokey that you would like to share with us we would love to see her, if you won't have any until after you bring her home that is fine, just post when you can.


Welcome to the fine family of grey owners, you have chosen an awesome creature and won't be disappointed, I promise.:P

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Hi, and welcome!

I am a former "non-bird" person (didn't hate 'em, just wasn't very interested). My husband and son decided to get a CAG, and the little guy chose me as his favorite in the house. So, don't freak out, if I can do this anyone can! (Well, not just anyone, let me revise that. Anyone who loves and respects animals in general.)

You will find a TON of info here. If you don't see what you're looking for, fire away with those questions. No one will get down on you, we're a very patient and friendly group.

I guess my biggest piece of advice would be to have patience when Smokey comes home. Klaus (my bird) is a baby, too young to be "set in his ways" and yet he takes his sweeeeet time getting used to new things. So don't get frustrated if he doesn't play with a toy, or won't go on his play gym at first.

Judging by your intro post, I would say you'll do fine - you seem to be a caring person who is concerned for the bird.

Good luck, and welcome!

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Jenny: Welcome from Alaska.

PATIENCE! That will be your order of the day for a while as Smokey acclimates to a new home. A lot of early time will be spent in his cage with the door closed. This will give him a feeling of security while observing and getting used to his new surroundings. These people are true lovers and are an invaluable resource. Look forward to pictures.

Bruce & Mazy

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Thank you all for the warm welcome and the advice!


Smokey arrived yesterday afternoon to our home. She apparently knows the 'step-up' command, mimics easily and appeared to thoroughly enjoy spending time outside of her cage. I was expecting her to behave much more reticently. When we put her in the cage for the night, she kept lifting one foot, close to the cage door, in what we interpreted to be an invitation to spend more time outside of the cage. She's seem content to travel up my husband arm, perch herself on his shoulder and nibble on his ear. She mimics his laugh. She is absolutely head over heels with my husband. She lowers her head and seems to enjoy being petted.


The only temperament we saw, was when we attempted to place a sheet over her cage (which we were instructed she was accustomed to at night), she puffed herself up, leaned forward and bit the cage. We opted to leave the sheet off.We learned that she has always lived in Florida, outside, caged in an outdoor enclosure and was brought inside only when the weather turned cold. The cage she arrived in we thought would be satisfactory - it's rusted, so we'll be replacing it within the next few days.


We attempted to introduce her to a sampling of fresh fruits and kale, most of which was quickly 'vetoed' to my floor. :>


She's a delight. I'm anxious to learn her 'language' and help provide a better quality of life. My guess is, she's been living a pretty isolated existence for a long time.


Thanks again for the help. I'm sure the information provided here will be a 'lifeline' for us for some time to come.


Post edited by: JennyJ, at: 2007/12/30 12:11<br><br>Post edited by: JennyJ, at: 2007/12/30 12:15

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Wow!! That is impressive for a 15 year old Grey, lacking attention for who knows how long, to settle in that quickly and show affection. She obviously has been missing the attention and love she remembers once enjoying and sharing. :-)


You guys are so lucky and blessed. It sounds like the start of a wonderful lifelong relationship.

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Well Smokey is doing well, she does seem to love being out of his cage. Being as we have 3 cats though she has to sleep in there, she was out for a good 5 or 6 hours today and loved every minute of it. Being as she was kept in a cage for so much of her time I was surprised that she took so well to being and here and not wanting more time inside her cage.


Also we went out and bought her a new cage today, the money spent hurt but I'm sure it was worth it, much bigger, no rust and a play area on top. She was perching on the bowl rim (wire thin) and I'm trying to break her of that habit, bought some nice tree limb style perches, maybe she is just used to the thin wire bowl, not sure.


Watched a few videos and read up on some advice, trying to get Smokey to 'take to' Jen, couple bites but we're working on that slowly, only been 2 days so we're hopeful to have that little issue resolved.


Anyhow, saw her post and decided to make my own, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone :)


Post edited by: Steven, at: 2007/12/31 05:09<br><br>Post edited by: Steven, at: 2007/12/31 05:10

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wow you guys Good Job! first of all thanks for rehoming, that is a topic near and dear to my heart and secondly what a fabulous birdy! to be so eager is a wonderful thing.


i am a total and absolute greenhorn and have been given lots of good advice and support so you have come to the right place.


and i have found new meanings and depth on the topic of patience. i am a cat & dog person and the concept of time is completely different than with birds. my merlin is certainly on his own timeline and i am learning to fit into that.


welcome to the site and boy howdy we'd love to see pictures ASAP. and again, Well Done!



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Thanks Sandra and Dan for the words of encouragement.


Steven took the first few photos of Smokey this morning before leaving for work - I'll ask if he can post them when he returns this evening.


I'm learning better the parameters of what Smokey feels is comfortable for her with regards to my interaction with her at this time. From what I've gathered, it's not unusual for these birds to bond intensely and exclusively with one member of the family. Particularly with her history of rehoming and lack of varied human contact.


At this time, she'll allow me to fill her bowl with food/water and give her treats. She will bite if I attempt to remove her from her cage with the 'step-up' command.

There seems to be some conflicting advice on where to proceed from here. I watched a video on Youtube, where the handler simply allowed herself to be bit several dozen times before the bird finally acquiesced to the step up command. Watching this did help alleviate some fear in that it's not so much the bite itself (although she can pack a wallop), but the notion that an animal would feel threatened enough to bite me that was unsettling.


I plan on introducing Smokey to target training (clicker/treat) sometime soon. This would appear to be the method that is generally accepted to help eliminate/reduce biting and can be done in the confines on her cage if necessary.


Thanks again for the support - :cheer:

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Hi Jenny,


It is great to hear that you are doing so much research on Greys. As you are finding, there is a ton of information out there and some of it conflicts. Some of the reason for this, is due to each Bird having it's own unique personality and responds in different ways to different actions. Thus different techniques work for different Greys.


One thing you will find common in all advice, is that patience is the number one factor in everything. The number two factor, is to always be consistent in your actions, so as not to confuse them. The number three, is to be gentle and kind to them at all times. They are very sensitive to your emotions and can pick up on them almost telepathically. So if you are becoming afraid or upset, just stop, relax and give yourself and the Grey a nice break.


If Smokey allows your Husband to perform a step-up without biting, then biting is not the issue, you are. :-) let me explain before you kill me :-) It seems your Husband, over time, has built enough trust with Smokey that he will accept his offer to step up and get some out of Cage time. You have not.


You will need to first build trust with Smokey, before he will accept your offer to step up. You are doing everything right in your interactions with him. Feeding and talking to him and perhaps even just sitting right next to the cage while reading a book or watching TV will build the trust that is needed for actual hand contact to take place willingly.


There are many VERY experienced people here with decades of experience in training and interacting with re-homed Greys. They will be the ones that you really need to listen to when they post.


I hope you are finding the information on this Forum to help you and anytime you have a question, post it. We are devoted to helping all we can to insure the Grey and owner have the best experience possible, with the least damage to either. :-)

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