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Busy with Sam


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We brought Sam home last Thursday and have been very busy since. He was a little bit nippy the first 2 days but at least he doesnt break the skin lol. Anyway he stopped the biting and seems to be bonding quickly with us. He is a little pig... He munches on pellets and cereal all day and when its time for formula he pigs out. I fill his crop up each feeding. We have also been feeding him peanuts and veggies. The breeder said me might regress a little bit after coming home. The vet gave him a clean bill of health and he is very playful.


He is very vocal which is something i dinna expect. He has said some words already and is starting to cat call whistle when i leave the room. He starts that as soon as my quaker does. He has said drink, hungry, wassup and uh oh. He picked up UH OH when he dropped paper he was chewing on and i said it. He is also picking it up from the quaker. He will also wink when i wink at him lol. Now all my birds can wink. He is very eager to please.


His issues are few but expected. He wants to go to my shoulder and from there climb to the top of my head. He can bite pretty hard but not usually by the tip of the beak. I mention the word bath and he runs and refuses to get on my finger. At least i can clean him with a wet paper towel :cheer: He knows what NO and STEP UP means already. Nothing i cant handle.


Anyway i will upload some pics when i get a chance.



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Glad to hear that it is going well for you and Sam, don't you just enjoy his presence in your life!!!!


If you want to allow him on your shoulder that is ok, but I would try to stop him from going up on your head if I were you. But it sounds like he is already working on his vocabulary and he knows what NO means. Congrats on getting him to know what step up is. Keep up the good work, OhSnap:)

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danmcq wrote:

Wonderful news OhSnap!! :-)


It sounds like things are going great for the day. How long before you can bring him/her home for good?


TY all

He came home last Thursday :side:

He also came pre programmed with step up so it makes handling him alot easier. We are having a blast :) Sam is a trip :lol:

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thank you hannah, hopefully your story will be better than mine :lol: sam has spent the day being really vocal what with working on his whistling. i gave him a shower and that set him a whistling lol.


anyway i hope to get some pics up soon

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