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Hello from Jon & Echo!


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Hello Everyone,


With all new ventures I undertake I always try to find the most appropriate, helpful forums, and after browsing through the information on this site this looks like a wonderful place!


My name is Jon, I am a 21 and I just bought myself a Timneh Grey, Echo. I actually just brought her from the store earlier today, others in my family want it to have more of a "person" name but unless they change my mind by tonight, its Echo. :laugh:


Echo is 5 months old, born August 2nd. Hand raised and weaned by a wonderful breeder. Not DNA tested yet, but the breeder has a strong feeling its a female by its characteristics. This is my first parrot however. That said, feel free to give any "newbie" advice, I have done lots of research and read a few books but there is never too much information!


The one thing I have yet to find though, simple enough, how often should I bathe my bird? I figure every day to every other day? Or strictly every day? Common sense makes me think, every day if possible just as humans do.


Well, thanks for reading! I will be around quite often, and will post some pictures later.<br><br>Post edited by: ScubaJ, at: 2007/12/25 02:35

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Hello and welcome to the family, Jon, glad you could join us and I know you are going to love it here.


Echo is a fine name and if it is your bird then you get to pick the name and I like it, I'm sure it will grow on the rest of the family.


Since this is your first parrot, I hope you have done a lot of reading and researching because a grey is different from other parrots. You will find a lot of useful information in the many threads on various topics here on this forum, take your time and read thru as many as you can.


We usually like to bathe our greys at least 2 times a week and some of us do it with aloe vera juice, it is soothing for their skin.


I look forward to seeing some pictures of Echo and we all love seeing the babies with their adorable dark eyes.

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Yes, I have done a lot of research. Throwing a couple hundred dollars into something uniformed is quite... well everyone makes mistakes. But I am sure I didn't.


Yes, I was planning on getting some Organic Aloe Vera to mix in with water, I heard it helps a great deal during molting especially. But good to know, thanks for the answer!


I do use the search function a lot as I am not new to forum etiquette. But 'bath' was too broad and 'how often bath', well, couldn't find what I was looking for. :pinch:


Again, thank you!

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Jon and Echo, welcome here :) You must be really excited having Echo just recently added to your family - it sounds like you are prepared for it as well, having read that much about it.


I don't own a Grey, let me put that up first, but I think(!) every individual grey will let you one way or another know how many times a week he prefers having a bath.


Any members here thinking I am wrong and having real experience, please react :)

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Hi, and welcome, Scuba!

I've actually heard varying opinions on bathing ranging from "They don't need a bath at all" all the way to "Oh, yes, mine gets bathed regularly, like it or not!". Personally, I have yet to bathe Klaus (I've had him since July). He tries his best to bathe in his water dish when he feels like it. I have been nervous to try to force it on him. My next plan is to start bringing him into the bathroom with the shower running so he can get used to the scenario and kind of go from there ... planning on purchasing a shower perch pretty soon, too. One thing that worries me is that we're in Michigan, and I keep my house between 65-67 degrees. I'm afraid of the little guy getting a chill!

Anyway, since you & your bird are still getting to know one another, my biggest point would be to take it slow. You don't want to get off on the wrong foot by giving Echo (love the name BTW) a distressing bath!

Good luck, and again, welcome!

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Welcome Jon and (((Echo))) :-)


It seems others have already posted answers to your question regarding bathing. The only additional information I can provide is for you to check out a search on "Aloe". MRSpock (Dave007) wrote a great post on using Aloe Juice, how to apply it and suggestions on how often.


If you just brought him home today, I am surprised you could even tear yourself away from him long enough to post :-) Exciting, isn't it? :-)


I'll be looking forward to see the photos when you post them.

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Jon if you need to ask any question, no matter how trivial or silly sounding it may seem to you, just ask us, we don't judge anyone here on forum etiquette, we are here to help each other in any way we can. Now that you are a member you are part of our family and will be treated as such and we glad to have you here with us.:)

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Thanks for the open arms. Its rare to find that kind of respect online for FAQ. Good to be a part of the family.


Well here are some pics of Echo. (Might take me a few tries to post, never seen this forum setup)


Echo enjoying some green beans... he wouldn't eat the husk...



Just posing.

echo2fu8.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: FairY, at: 2007/12/26 07:29

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  • 7 months later...

Hi Jon and welcome to the forum. I have a TAG also with the same name:ECHO:) My Echo has been DNA tested and is a boy. I am new also to the forum and have asked a bunch of questions with alot of great answers:P This is a great group of people made up of grey owners throughout the world with one thing in common. THE LOVE OF GREYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Again welcome and look forward to hearing from you and Echo again.


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Hello & Welcome to our family! I'm happy you are here, and I LOVE the pictures!! Echo is adorable! Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing more from you.

Sounds like you are off to a great start in all the research you are doing. B)

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