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tip of beak broken


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How much broke off? It should grow back assuming there is nothing else wrong with the bird. Do you have any pictures to share of the beak? The beaks do go through growth cycles where parts are shed. It is not all that common for them to break their beaks eating, though it can happen. Chances are it will be fine. Keep us posted.

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Like dblhelix said, it should grow back. If you saw no blood, it was probably a bit weak. When the tip has broken off, they normally start working on their beaks to make it pointy again. Many people who need to shorten the tips of their bird's beaks because of overgrowth will file down the tips and leave the tip area squared off because they know that the bird will make it pointy again and that's good because it allows a longer amount of time before the beak needs to filed down. A bird can eat whether the tip is pointy, broken or squared off. Nothing to worry about. Happens often.

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