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Brody is coming home for Christmas!


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Hey guys,


Its been awhile, how are you all? Hope everyone is ready for Christmas. I can't beleive its already here, and soon it'll be 2008. WOW!


Anyways, I have some awesome news, Bro Bro is coming home for Christmas. He'll only be here for a day, because he is still a baby, but he will atleast be home for Christmas. I'm so excited. I get to handfeed him here. YAY! I'll have to let you all know how it's gonna go. I pick him up tomorrow at 4. Wish us luck!



Lisa, Brody, and Ledo

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That's wonderful Lisa!!


Bro Bro and your family will have a great time of it, I'm sure. :-)


We did the same thing with Dayo in respects bringing him home for 4 or 5 hours at a time for the last 4 weeks of his weaning process.


When he came home permanently, it was as if he just knew this was home.


Best wishes on Christmas Day and have a great New Year!!


I can't wait to hear an update on the first visit home. :-)

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Hello guys!


Brody is doing very well. The only thing I'm woried about, he won't stay in his cage. He is so scared of everything and he wont sleep unless he is on me. What should I do!?


Merry Christmas

Brody, Lido, and Lisa

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Perhaps just sit with him close to the cage and let him wonder around it, if he feels compelled to. This being the first time at your home and seeing a strange new Cage is probably a little mental overload for him in just a few hours of being there.


If he feels secure with you, then by all means just enjoy him and make it a pleasant and special day at your house. That way when he comes back again, he will have nothing but good memories. :-)

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I love that reply Dan, yes by all means let him stay with you, still being a young baby he does feel insecure so enjoy it while you can because as he gets older he may not enjoy the cuddling so much.


Glad it is going well for his first visit home and let us know how it goes after you take him back.:P

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Well, Brody went back today, but decided that he wants to be home with me, so my boss will let me take him home every night and bring him back to the store in the morning. I'm so excited. I;ll be setting up his new cage in the bird room. He has a sleep cage in my room.

Brody is so cute. He loves sleeping in his cubbie. By the way, to Grey's like little huts? He loves them and he loves to sleep with me, and cuddle. Of course im up when he is sleeping in my bed with me. ;)



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Well congrats on the new arrangement, seems Brody has really taken a good liking to you, and you should be excited, I would be too, heck I am excited for you.


If he likes sleeping in one of those little huts then by all means allow him to do that, it probably makes him feel more secure. I would be a little cautious of letting him sleep in the bed with you, what if you rolled over on him during the night, I don't think it is worth the risk.


Enjoy your little Brody and the cuddling for the cuddling might not last.:cheer:

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Awww Lisa, that's wonderful news. It is so kind of your boss to let you take him home at night. It is good for you and Brody.


By the time it's close to bring him home for good, he will probably be fighting in the mornings due to NOT wanting to go back to the store for the day. :-)


I can't wait to hear your stories as the love between you two grows.

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