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Moving Talon


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Hi Everyone!

I am moving next weekend. Talon will be going to a new house, with all new furniture. I will be taking her play cage, various play stands, and her sleep cage. But I'm wondering if there is anything I should or could do to make this as smooth a transition as possible for her. She has been with us in the same house since she was 8 1/2 weeks old, (she is now 26 months old) so she knows nowhere else but her present home.

What types of behaviors if any should I expect?

Does anyone have any advice for making this move as comfortable and smooth as possible for her?


I appreciate any advice. Thank you!! :S<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/12/22 04:21

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yes. just keep the routines exactly the same.

Same food, same cage, same nite time, same schedule.


I recommend a pro biotic in case of stress it'll prevent an unbalance in the intestines. Like acidophilous, you can sprinkle it on the food.


I would take her around and show her the new house and I suggest playing music in the new place. Mine seem to loosen up when the radio is on.


And until her cage arrives you may want to let her sleep in the same room with you.

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If I were you Penny, I would treat her like an adult. If she is delt with any diffently she will become different, maybe. Just take it a step at a time, and watch her body language, and try not to treat her any different as she is use to.

When you get here there just let her stay in her cage in the room she will sleep in. Make her see your there, but let her adjust, somewhat on her own.

Good luck with the move.



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Good advice Joe, Thank you. Putting her in her cage is a good idea, but perhaps I will use her play cage at first, as she will be able to see more of us until bed time. I suppose moving her in the morning is something I better do to give her time to get used to her surroundings before bedtime.

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When I adopted Nikko, she came to me with nothing at all. She was 4, and had been with her previous owner since she was 8 weeks old. She had a new house, new people, new cage, new toys, etc. We also brought her home very close to bedtime. She was frightened of her new cage and it was difficult to get her in (she clung to the door for a long time), but that was the only issue. By the first morning, she was doing very well.


So I think Talon will do just great :). Plus, in the wild, this is about the age she would be considering new digs anyway ;).

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As others have replyed to you I agree that the less you alter her normal routine the better. She might get alittle upset at first but she should adapt fairly quickly. Just watch her for the first couple of days that she dont get a little defensive


Good luck with the move!!!!!!!

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Good luck with your move Penny.


I can't add anything to what others have already offered in terms of advice or ideas. A move is always a little chaotic and routine breaker until the dust settles. :-)


The plus in all this, is the "Flock" is moving and that is the most important thing in Talons life. :-)

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I'm glad Talon is staying in your room at bed time. Now how can I sneak in at night with her watching. OH dear. Just have to get a room down the road. I'll set the alarm for you to get back before they knew you were gone. What we have to do to have a little hanky panky.




SHHHHHHHHHHH, don't tell Judy<br><br>Post edited by: nevjoe, at: 2007/12/22 15:23

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We hope you and Talon the best on your move! Keep us updated, as we will be interested to know how she reacts. When we move back to the mainland, we're going to buy Makena a new cage, have it waiting, and sell this one. The move itself is going to consist of a 5.5 hour plane ride in a travel carrier only to end up in a new environment with a new climate. I hope he does ok, because we get sick just thinking about it!:sick: :ohmy: I suppose it's all relative though? G'luck Penny! :-)

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Thanks for the advice everyone! I will keep you posted on how things go. :)

Only 4 of the 6 members of her flock are moving, so we"ll see how she adjusts. But all our other pets are coming too. I'm just happy that she is coming, she was a gift to my oldest son who is not moving, but he gave her to me! And of course, that made me VERY happy!!! :) :)

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Too late Joe, I see you are up to your old tricks again, but then that is one of the things I like about you so much so you are forgiven this time, but don't let it happen again.


Penny I hope you have a safe and uneventful move and all goes well and Talon settles in nicely, I know you will do everything in your power to see that it does.

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Andrew, Thanks you for wishing me luck! I will keep you posted on how Talon does.



I am moving to the next town over, which is only about 5 minutes away.


Joe, you let the cat out of the bag! :lol: :lol:


Judy, Thank you for your well wishes, I know you only want the best for me, and that means the world to me.\


I really appreciate all the advice and support everyone is giving me. It's nice to know that my "family" is here for me. :)

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