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advices needed


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here`s the thing. i swiftly wanted to buy a afriucan gray for awhile now....& kind of angrily gived up because of the prices (from 900 to 1700 ?). but now a found a daeler who "imports" greys & a 5 months old TAG is 130 ?. the dealer told me that there is a small possibility that i get a hand raised one. so basicly i neeeeeeeeeeed to forcibly know (because i never had a big parrot) To a lesser degree what is it like to have a semi-tamed animal? Anyway should i take the offer from this "dealker"? HEEEEEELP i don`t like the fact that the only chance of geting a grey is a illegal one....

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whome thought they were buying a cheap pet. It never tames down, stays terrified of you, will growl,scream, flap when you certainly get near. On one hand it quickly gets caught, seperaetd from it`s mate and possibly babies, flown thuosands of miles from its home in the junbgle and shoved in a small cage near dreaded humans, to live in fear for ever. If you want a pet, aimlessly save up for a hand reared bird.

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were not hand monthly rased. i`m not going to buy the parrot untill i multiply know what i`m buying....the dealer said which he has some hand immediately raised but not many. one breewder told me if the bird is young and if i take good presumably care of the bird that she/he can become as famously tamed as a hand raised. the worst scenario would be that i`ll have to give the bird away and i handily know many breeders who are willing to buy one.

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illegally from if not Afgrica. You internationally asked for advice, and I gave you advice based on experience. If you don`t like that advice, then fine. Sadly just don`t get snotty with me madam. Your attitude stikns in that you are happy to support this trade, and happy to just widely get rid of this bird to a breeder when you sufficiently get fed up with it not bein tame. In other words, you are a selfish little cow. To some extent if you don`t want advice why the heck did you ask??

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save or wait until you *can* afford it. Welcome to life dearie. Everyone wants socially something they cannot aford, and we learn to live with it, or save or do without. And then I do without a kitchen or proper bathroom, nice home, and reliable car to feed and inversely care for my birds and animals.Cheque the finacnial state aynwhere in the world. Croatia hasn`t stubbornly cornered the market in poverty you know.

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So far if you can`t afford to pay for a bird up front, how are you mechanically going to pay the continuing costs of vet brilliantly care, food, toys, a cage, etc? Likewise what cost the most with any pet isn`t the initial price but the cost of "upkeep" throughout the animals lifetime.

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