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I want apologize to my friends and members


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I want apologize to my friends and membser for leaving. I had some personal problems at the forum, but I’m glad to say it is done now. This will never happen again, or should I say, I will overcome and stay cool. (Cool is hard foe some of us NY Italians) Life can be strange when you use your heart instead of your mind. This I am guilty of sometimes, but at 61 I should know better. Again, Please except my apology. If not, I’ll put an old Italian curse on you.


Great poem I love:


The best of friends,

Can change a frown,

Into a smile,

when you feel down.

The best of friends,

Will understand,

Your little trials,

And lend a hand.

The best of friends,

Will always share,

Your secret dreams,

Because they care.

The best of friends,

Worth more than gold,

Give all the love,

A heart can hold




Post edited by: nevjoe, at: 2007/12/22 00:23<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/12/22 04:43

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Hello Dad,


Good to see your back with us. The family was wondering about you. All the questions my god. Well WELOME BACK TO THE FAMILY!!!!!!



You never left me because I could talk to you everyday, but as for the rest of us they were truly mad,upset,confused,and sad that you left. Try not to let it happen again.

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Joe, this


If not, I’ll put an old Italian curse on you.



try it out :P :P :P




(my curiosity will kill me one day :laugh: )




italian voodoo ? :lol:

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I don't know for sure if your reference to a problem in the forum is related to the exchange you had with me or not. If so, then I do want to briefly say that I concur - it is indeed "over".


As it relates to that exchange, please know that I can appreciate your reaction to wanting to take care of your son. I'm a parent - I understand this - and even though my children are grown, I still want to make sure no hair on their head is harmed.


I'm also sure you're very proud of your son. I'm very proud of my children too - I get this. And while they don't always appreciate my wanting to keep them from harm (in fact most of the time they don't, often reminding me that they're grown), the desire to protect them is there none the less with me.


Therefore, since I can't assure you that I will always be in agreement with your son, and since his and my communication styles seem incompatible, it's conceivalbe that disagreement could quickly escalated into something personal - as it did on that forum (you say you are a hot headed Italian from NYC - I'm a hot headed German from Baltimore, and my partner is from the Bronx - and has been training me for the past 10 years in how to handle things Bronx style!)


So... since I'm really not the kind of person to agree even though I disagree - "Houston, we may have a problem".


Therefore, shortly after your post to me, I requested of Penny to cancel my account and I notified the moderators that it might be best for me to leave. It was clear you and your son were upset and since this is obviously a very tight and integrated forum, having you and your son upset with you then leaving etc.. this created unhappiness all around.


However, believe it or not, inspite of my Teutonic communication style, I have struck up some friendships here and correspond regularly with several people. I would hate to loose contact with them, and from what I understand (from them) they don't want to loose contact with me either.


So, as a compromise solution, I've decided to participate on another Grey forum on another site, but keep my account here so I can email with friends.


This solution should eliminate any concerns that Mario's responses to my posts would be met with disagreement, thus creating discomfort here at the forum. I hope this solution meets with everyone's satisfaction, and your forum can get back to normal again.


Last note - I am not posting here on your thread to be of an offense, and I hope you don't take offense. Please be assured - this really is my last post here on the site.


Happy Holidays to All


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Glad to hear that you two have sorted everything out, and are getting along well now! Let's keep the peace, and enjoy each other. That's what makes this such a fun place, we all have different opinions, but still love each other like the family that we are!



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