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Just wanted to introduce myself. My name's Jenny and I have a Congo African Grey named Alex. Alex is 7 months old and I've had him for just about a month now. I love him to pieces. He's just now starting to get interested in talking. He'll sit there and mumble to himself for hours. He's great at whistling! I've never owned a parrot before so I'm reading everything I can about them to make sure that all his needs are met. Anyways, nice to meet you all!

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Hello and welcome to the family, Jenny, glad you could join us and I know you are going to love it her like we do.


So you are new to the world of parrots and a first time grey owner and I'm sure you are finding out that they are awesome creatures and why we love them so much.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information that might answer some of the questions you may have, but feel free to ask us any specific questions and we will do our best to answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have a picture of Alex you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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Thank you all for your warm welcomes! I tried to post a picture of Alex as my avatar but it wouldn't accept the file size no matter how many times I resized it. I will work on that more tomorrow and get some photos of him up here. Again, thank you for the warm welcoming.

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Welcome to the FAMILY!!!!!!


Good luck with Alex he will give you many years of loyalty and love. Enjoy everyday with him before you know it he will be a little stinker LOL!!!!!!


Please ask all the questions you want, there are many great people here to answer them for you.


Again welcome to the FAMILY!!!!!!!

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