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What about H2O


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You should first find out what the water dispersal system is in your new area. If it's well water then it's a good idea to use filtered water for your birds. That can be either bottled water from the supermarket or the purchase of a container that has filters built in. The water gets poured into the container and then slowly goes thru the filters and fills the container. Containers come in different sizes. I use a 3 gal container because I have lots of birds. Food and water bowls can be washed with regular sink water. Wanna play it safe and give your birds the best water? Get one of those filtered containers. Filters need to be replaced periodically and most filter containers tell you when it's time to replace them. If you're moving now, bring plenty of the same water they're used to until you make your decision about what water you eventually wanna use.

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Dave this is one thing I have to disagree with you (a rare thing). You really should give a bird tap water. I know what you all are thinking "WHAT". The reasons are these. Your bird needs to get his amune system acustom to the local water table. The next thing is bottled water such as RO water (aquafina-desani) have nothing in the water at all. Your bird like you need to have your local bacterias in its system for his/her amune system to work correctly. This is almost the same thing as if you have allergies you should not buy over the counter honey. You should go to your local beealugist to get the local honey. The bees go and retrieve the local pollens to make the honey. So in return your local honey is made of the same pollen that you are allergic to. In return you get the amune system to except the local germs and fight them. Dave I just have read alot about this I was using bottled water and after reading so many articles it made sense to me to give them local water.

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This is interesting....I too, am moving in a week. Talon has been drinking town water where we live now. But she will be getting well water where we are moving to. And yes, it has very recently been tested, and all is well with the quality of it. :unsure:

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Hello Talon and Mosfatal,

I know alot of people think that purified water or filtered water is a good thing. I thought so also at first. But like I said in the other post they need the local bacterias for there amune system. There is no nutritional value to cleaned water, and there for they have no GOOD bacteria in the water for you or the bird. To answer you question YES I would take a few gallons of water to your new home and little by little add some of the new water until in about 2 weeks you are only usung the local water. This is like if you had fish you would want to have a drip line with the water the fish will be in this aclamatin of the new water is a slow but nessasery procidure. Dave I dont want to step out of line here I know you have a great deal of knowledge but I must disagree with you here. The local water has things added t the water for cleaning and also for heath reasons. Here where I live they add flouride, ammonia,chlorine,and a water booster to clean the water. I dont know about where everybody else lives but here they add those things. Your bird will be where you live and even if you dont give him/her local water to drink he/she will still have a great deal of water to deal with. (baths,washing all fruits and veggies cleaning the cage ect). So you see its not only for the bird to drink he/she will be exposed to the local water all the time. Thats why the need the good bacteria culture from the local water.<br><br>Post edited by: ziggy, at: 2007/12/21 04:50

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