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New member here saying hello ;)


I live in Portsmouth Ohio. I have 1 blue quaker and a yellow keet. I have 10+ years experience with quakers both green and blue. Our grey comes home this Thursday the 20th! We have had a great experience with being able to visit our baby Timneh on a regular basis and with our breeder. Sam is our tags name and is doing very well with step ups. He seems to be very vocal and willing to talk. I credit that to the breeder as she gives excellent care and stimulation. Anyway we are very excited and ready for our new fid to come home.


Sam is the darker grey on my portrait. He is the one holding/hording the banana chip lol.

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Hello and welcome to the family, OHSNAP, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your flock.


Does your name have anything to do with your occupation, I see you work for USPS, otherwise known as snail mail, opps!!! sorry I didn't mean to say that but I am sure you have heard it before. Just kidding with ya!!!!


I see you have a quaker and a keet and are getting a grey, is this your first grey? He certainly is holding on to that banana chip like he intends it to be his and his alone.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask us specific questions you may have. We will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have other pictures of Sam that you would like to share with us we would love to see him.:)

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judygram wrote:

Does your name have anything to do with your occupation, I see you work for USPS, otherwise known as snail mail, opps!!! sorry I didn't mean to say that but I am sure you have heard it before. Just kidding with ya!!!!


I see you have a quaker and a keet and are getting a grey, is this your first grey? He certainly is holding on to that banana chip like he intends it to be his and his alone.


Haha maybe B) One might hear me say that or worse when i deliver a parcel to the wrong house or when i get flagged down for someones railroad retirement check. Walmart boxholders are the worst though.


This is our first grey. We think after fussing after with quakers for years we are ready. Sam is the leader of the pack at the breeders house. The BG in the pic acts like a mother figure toward Sam. Notice how she is shielding him lol. You cant see it but there is another CAG just out of frame. Our blue quaker is a very well behaved and mellow. She is very friendly talkative. She can say about 20ish words and has a big list of mimics and whistles. She is 1 year old. Our keet says a few words and whistles. He has a great personality for a store bought bird. And believe it or not they actually get along. Our first quacker was a wild caught green. He turned out well and was a great talker.


Im going to finish feeding out Sam myself. He is down to one feeding now so it shouldn't be long. Sam likes cheerios, banana chips, frozen veggies, zupreem and other goodness. He is very cuddly and loves strangers. He has a n outgoing personality.


Thanks for the welcome everyone

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