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Room Temperature and showers


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I have been keeping the thermometer set at 72-73 (It's cold in Kansas City). And I am a little hesitant to shower Petra often.

My concern is that being wet and her not being warm enough.

I gave her a shower the other day and I think I should do this more often.

Any input is appreciated.

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Hi Darin,


We keep our home at the same temperature.


It is fine to bath Petra as often as you wish. Most Parrots seem to like cold water best.


My Breeders keep their aviaries outside and break the Ice in the water bowls first thing in the morning. The Parrots all want to jump in for a bath, before getting a drink!! :-)

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Baths are very good for the plumage of your bird and the temp is fine. Just watch out for a draft it could make him sick. You can also give him abath and blowdry him( if he allows you to) Ziggy will not at all let me blow dry him. Again just watch for drafts.

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judygram wrote:

Well come on and take your best shot Dan, for I am an easy target right now with the way I feel.:(


Oh Judy, I just wanted to get down with some good old joking and fun like we have at times.


Dang Skippy - Lets Box that always cheered you up



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mine likes to use the water bowl.she won`t use anything else.it is chilly here and she just goes right into the bowl and splash away(mind you it is a small drinking bowl)but when i try to bath her anywhere else she dosen`t like it.I think she is fickle :laugh:

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Hey Judy

Listen, just stop all of your whining and moaning. After a while it's gets boring. Let's be honest, after a certain time, it's starts looking like a repeat performance. You know, like a rerun of Law and Order on TV.

I'll do my part in making you feel better right now and it has to do with that *cooking* stuff you mentioned. I never said you would be doing the *cooking for me* nonsense. I specifically said you were the Moderator but obviously, it went over your head so I'll explain the whole thing in a different way.


Let's make believe we're talking about a house of ill repute. This house is filled with workers who are doing the actual labor. You being the moderator, your job would be to make sure that all outside clients are given what they pay for. You would be directing the clients to the proper doors. Afterward, the clients will pay for the services they've just received but only to you. You in turn will make sure that the workers are given their correct percentages of money they've earned and not a penny more. Then, the rest of the funds will be given to the site owner/administrator of the establishment who will then pay you for the well done job you're doing in keeping everything running smoothly. So actually, you're not one of the workers. You're simply their boss.

SO, you really won't be doing any of the cooking. Your job will simply be that all of the food is properly served HOT and STEAMY with all the trimmings that the client desires. Understand now?

If you don't like the name Moderator, we can always change to Organizer<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2007/12/18 19:22

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