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We gave Klaus a slice of orange this weekend (have tried it before, but he wasn't interested). This time he ate it pretty good. I WISH I had a digital camera, he was sitting on top of his cage holding it with one foot and nibbling away.

Just goes to show ya, you have to offer different foods frequently, and don't give up because what they turned away before they might eventually decide to try!

P.S. I bought a child's digital camera for my son for Christmas, I'm sure he'll share it with me. So hopefully before long I'll be launching some pictures here! :)

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Oy Bella likes oranges alright - she was sitting on my shoulder while we were both watching TV and I was eating one - she usually helps herself to what ever I'm eating LOL. She snagged herself a nice big piece, munched away and then shook her head causes pieces to fly into my face. What a mess LOL!

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The camera is already wrapped. :pinch:

I was having a brief organizational moment there, and wrapped everything...

Plus, the little guy is always around when I am, so he'd see it for sure!

I can't wait though...looking forward to seeing what I can do with that puppy!

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Has anybody seen Laurie I can fell her presents but since she is invisible I cant find her. LOL:P



Oranges are a great form of vitimans for your bird. There are 2 things though you may want to consider on when giving oranges.


1) They are a fruit so they have alot of natural sugars.

2) You need to monitor the amounts you give your bird they are also very high in citric acid.


In normal situations you should give them as a treat once in a while. You should not make this a staple fruit all of the time. Like anything else to much of one thing is not good.:sick: They love oranges but we also love foods that are good in moderation and not everyday.(twinkies,potato chips, fried foods) Remember the old saying if it tastes good it probably is not good for you. HAHAHA!!!!!!:woohoo:

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Also keep in mind that citrus is high in iron, if you feed pellets, be careful, as they can get too much iron.

Finni also loves oranges. Actually, she is very willing to try anything that I am eating or cooking. Now if its just in her bowl, it might get the "toss"! :woohoo:

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Also keep in mind that citrus is high in iron, if you feed pellets, be careful, as they can get too much iron.

Finni also loves oranges. Actually, she is very willing to try anything that I am eating or cooking. Now if its just in her bowl, it might get the "toss"! :woohoo:

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