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Hardest bite


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Just wanted to hear everyone's hardest bite story. We all have one that a bird bit us hard I am sure. Mine happen today actually, I was holding my friends 5 year old Goffin Cockatoo and she climbed on my shoulder I didn't want her up there for the fact I don't trust her haha. I went to get her to step up on my finger, but she decided she wanted to stay on my shoulder. Next thing I knew my hand was full of blood and my middle finger was pouring blood and throbbing. I'm thankful she went for my finger instead of my ear though.

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I have plenty... but here is the worst...


I had just gotten home from a friends house at around 10pm. Makena was up when I came in the door and itching to get out of his cage. I went over and picked him up. He climbed on my shoulder and I walked upstairs to watch some TV. After about 1/2 an hour of him sitting on my shoulder I decided it was time to put him to bed. I reached up to get him to step up and out of nowhere he lunged at my thumb and grabbed it. He dug in hard scraping across the whole width of my thumb. It started bleeding like crazy. I walked downstairs holding my thumb with Makena still on my shoulder. I went over to the cage and let him crawl off me as my hands were out of service. He sat on top of the cage and didn't move a muscle. He knew he had misbehaved.


I sat by the front door crying until Andrew got home about 20 minutes later. He cleaned my wounds, scolded the bird and made me a drink.


Yah it hurt like hell but I think I was in shock more than anything. How could my sweet bird do something like that to me?!?!?! I must say... it sure has made me a little beak phobic!!!

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Jimmy and Kristin - OUCH!!


That's the one thing with a shouldered bird that is a real problem. When they are sitting there, you can not see their body language or the sudden lunge forward coming until the damage is done.


They get comfortable up there and sometimes just don't want to be disturbed or moved. That's when the hard bite usually comes and you never see it coming.


I am sorry to hear this happened to you both.

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Ouch!! is right Dan, and I shoulder Josey all the time but I know I have been darn lucky so far but she amazes me that she is easy on my fingers if she beaks them. She has been on my shoulder and I have stuck my hand under my sleeve and she has grabbed for it and puts pressure down but if I remove my hand and offer it to her to continue she lightens up on the pressure as soon as she gets ahold of my skin. I know, its only a matter of time but I count my lucky stars that I have gone this far without a serious bite.:whistle:

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shew yeah Cosmo has been like Josey though he never has had any problems on my shoulder. He will usually mess with my hair and he does it very very gently. Chicken though (the goffing cockatoo) she is a little odd around me anyway. Sometimes she is loving as can be and will snuggle with me and other times she wants to break my fingers. It was hard to not show a reaction last time though. I bit my lip and held out though haha.

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Klaus hasn't bitten me very badly (at least, never broke the skin). My earring, however was another story. I was wearing a hoop earring with the wire that goes through the earlobe and the rest of it is kind of like a wedding band. He pulled the earring so hard that he pulled the band part through the piercing hole. Ow, ow, ow!!!

I don't wear earrings on a daily basis anymore...:dry:

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Speaking of bites... I just got the most painful bite yet from Oliver, I'm bleeding as I type, then came to check the posts before going to bed and found this thread. It was my fault, of course. I was preparing to cover Oliver's cage and put him to bed and realized a new toy I had put in there earlier in the day was annoying him, or at least making him nervous, and I decided to remove it for the night. It was hanging from the center top of the cage and when I tried to remove it I found it was a little stubborn coming loose. I did get it loose -- with a bang which startled Oliver and made him lose his balance. As he was climbing back up to his perch I was apologizing to him and reached out to scratch his head. His beak was buried in my thumb before I knew what happened, and he wasn't letting go. I could see it in his eyes -- "I'm going to hold on extra long this time and give it a little extra oomph to make sure you understand you are not to do that again!" Ouch! He held on just long enough for me to wonder what I would do if he didn't let go!

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I don't yet have my grey, but my only really bad bite from my first bird. He was a budige, was on the first day i brought him home. I was in my room with him and tried to take him out of his cage for the first time, he got on my finger, bend down and latched on as hard as he could, I was only 13, knew nothing about birds, and screamed and shook him loose. I then put him back in the cage and left the room to cool down, and tend to my bleeding thumb, before I tried to make contact with him. For a 13 year old I was pretty good with the situation. Most people would not have tried to touch him again. But I went right back and tried, and he ended up being the best friend I ever had.

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Guest briansmum

i got my first REALLY bad bite a couple of days ago.


brians boing rope hangs from the curtain rail above the window in the living room, and as i've mentioned a few times he's was a buggar for climbing up the rope which his boing was hanging from and chewing on the wood around the window. and BOY did he love being up there.. so much so that it got to the point i couldn't get him down.


and my finger paid the price. he bit right round it and broke the skin on both sides. i eventually had to towel him to get him down and put him away, and that is the first time i've ever toweled him... and hopefully the last.


needless to say i have attatched a hook to the plastic window frame for his boing rope so the other rope is now completely gone. no more extra rope, no more wood. so no chance of that dilemma again

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